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went to yuba today with four of my freinds we got there at 7:45 just to find five feet of water in front of the ice at painted rocks. but thanks to my freinds here at bft i was awhere that the ice conditions were getting bad so i brought a ladder. but even with a ladder we had to find the right place to put it on the ice without it going through. finaly got on the ice at 8:15 first spot we hit we only had one bite in an hour. so i decided i would move around until i found some fish i had to move three times to locate them. once i did i caught four in an hour and one of my freinds caught four in five mins. slow fishing but still fun. no more ice fishing on yuba this year unless you find a golden spot to get on the lake so if youve still got the hard water bug dont go to yuba.
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks for the update. Looks like just about the end for ice fishing...but almost the beginning for soft water. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]More warm days and some good wind (in Utah ???) and the lake will open up soon.[/#0000ff]