Alright. I think this is stupid. They have the EZjigger. It jigs your ice fishing rod for you. Come on, WHO IS THAT LAZY!!?? No affence to people who use it but dosent it take the purpose out of ice fishing? Thats like having a machine feed you. (like a mechanical arm put food into your mouth, not like people who are sick or hurt.) Any comments on this?
When ice fishing you can use several rods depending on the state. Autojiggers catch more fish. The hard part is running over and getting the fish and not slipping on your ass. Everybody wants to catch more fish but you can't jig more than one rod at a time. I don't waste my time with rods and reels, Dynamite is the best thing going...[angelic]
I'm with ya ... jig the thing yourself ya lazy butts !!!
Back when I used to ice fish alot, we didn't have all that fancy stuff. No power augers, auto jiggers, chanties etc....
If you were going to fish you fished. If you couldn't handle a little weather, you stayed home.[cool]
I like power augers. I mean when the ice gets to almost 2 feet deep it kinof helps.
ever since my dad first taught me to jig the bait by myself and learn how to feel the bite instead of watching a small bobber thats all i've ever done! Heck I don't even use locators for ice fishing! All the new equipment is just too much stuff to lug around. Now a power auger i can see if the ice is deep but i'll just bring a hand crank auger just to lighten the load.