03-03-2008, 12:19 PM
Declaration of Regulation Change
Bold text = change from 2007 regulations
Tautog (Blackfish) [red]Recreational[/red] Fishery Rules
Minimum Length: 14 inches total length
[size 3]Open Season ------------- Creel Limit[/size]
January 1 - April 30 .................. 4
July 1 - August 31 .................. 2
October 1 - December 6 ......... 4
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Tautog (Blackfish) [red]Commercial[/red] Fishery Rules
[size 3]Gear Group ------------------------- [/size][size 3]Possession Limit[/size]
Hook, fish pot, trap net, fyke net, gill net ........ 25
Lobster pot............................................... .. 10
Pound Trawl ............................................... 12
Trawl .................................................. ...... 50
Open Season (All gear groups*)
January 1 - April 30
June 15 - August 31
October 15 - December 6
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* Note that the pound net fishery is now closed during the
commercial closed seasons.
Mentioned in the newsletter:
"For the recreational fishery, the Department considered the needs
of both the largely shore-based summer fishery and the largely
boat-based fall fishery in implementing these new measures.
Sacrificing 8 days in December provided 62 days of summer opportunity
for kids, seniors and others without the means for boat-based fishing
as well as for bait and tackle shops that depend on their business."
For further information, contact the
DEP Marine Fisheries Division
P.O. Box 719
Old Lyme, CT 06371
or by phone
860.434.6043 between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday through Friday.
Bold text = change from 2007 regulations
Tautog (Blackfish) [red]Recreational[/red] Fishery Rules
Minimum Length: 14 inches total length
[size 3]Open Season ------------- Creel Limit[/size]
January 1 - April 30 .................. 4
July 1 - August 31 .................. 2
October 1 - December 6 ......... 4
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Tautog (Blackfish) [red]Commercial[/red] Fishery Rules
[size 3]Gear Group ------------------------- [/size][size 3]Possession Limit[/size]
Hook, fish pot, trap net, fyke net, gill net ........ 25
Lobster pot............................................... .. 10
Pound Trawl ............................................... 12
Trawl .................................................. ...... 50
Open Season (All gear groups*)
January 1 - April 30
June 15 - August 31
October 15 - December 6
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* Note that the pound net fishery is now closed during the
commercial closed seasons.
Mentioned in the newsletter:
"For the recreational fishery, the Department considered the needs
of both the largely shore-based summer fishery and the largely
boat-based fall fishery in implementing these new measures.
Sacrificing 8 days in December provided 62 days of summer opportunity
for kids, seniors and others without the means for boat-based fishing
as well as for bait and tackle shops that depend on their business."
For further information, contact the
DEP Marine Fisheries Division
P.O. Box 719
Old Lyme, CT 06371
or by phone
860.434.6043 between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday through Friday.