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I went out to set on union lake in the rain yesterday, sat there about as long as my blatter would hold out, out house is locked because some people thought it was qute to thow trash down the hole...[mad]

any way there were a few other guys there fishing across the lake from me, they all came in a couple hourse before me as well, I got wet for my efforts... no eyes, that was what I was looking for.

last week I fished on Cass lake in the canals and pulled a limit of 9 inch gills and one 9 inch crappie...

I cut them all up before I realized I had not taken a picture just before doing the last two.. forgot to bring my camera cable today to up load the picks... should remember to bring it next week..

till next week, good luck and keep your cleates on the ice....
Arggh ! My camera problem is remembering the batterys !

The kids have misplaced the rechargable AA's , and the jumbo packs disapear from the junk drawer faster than we can put them in [crazy] !
"Not me" is the one that keeps taking them at our house. [laugh]
I buy mine at the dollar store any more...

I brought my camera to the book habertachery today and the cord to upload a couple pics of nothing realy... only to find that the usb ports dont match my camera, so I will have to find me a zip thingyamabob to transfer pics...[crazy]
must have been the opperator,

any way here are the pics,
[center][url ""][Image: DSCN0835.JPG][/url] [url ""][Image: DSCN0837.JPG][/url][/center] [center]two guy fry[/center] [center]sorry, pics are a couple weeks old, here is a couple limits before and after cleaning...[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: DSCN0839.JPG][/url][/center] [center] [/center] [center]here is what they looked like before cleaning[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: DSCN0842.JPG][/url] [url ""][Image: DSCN0840.JPG][/url] [url ""][Image: DSCN0841.JPG][/url][/center] [center] [/center] [center]here are my rigs on union lake, no eyes only rain[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: DSCN0843.JPG][/url][/center] [center]My big catch from last weekend...[/center]
Wow , that last catch is a doosey [Tongue] !
How did you ever see the rod tip move ?

I do have to say the two man fry has me wanting to stop by for dinner , uh , I meen a visit [laugh] !

Did the computer take a dump or has the rates climbed so high for service down there it's become redicilous to pay that kind of connection fee ?
I figured dogs operation might have put a dent in the finances a bit .
the phone rates when up to 65.oo per month, my cell is half the price and after 9 pm on week days and saturday and sunday I can talk till the battery goes dead and it dosnt cost a penny more....

if I call some one else on verizon it dosnt cost me anything either...

I forgot to mention the fish fry came from cass lake, parking in doge park.

as for the wopper, I use a peice of banjo string for a bobber, I like it because a lot of times fish will hit and rais insted of pulling down or away, so when I see the banjo string come up I know I have a fish on, the banjo sting is stainless steel wire. .05 or .10

I need new strings for the old banjo so it looks like I will have an ample supply of spring "banjo" bobbers for a while...[cool]