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Full Version: Minn-Kota autopilot with co-pilot
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Got my new motor friday and mounted it saturday. Went up to Deer Creek Sunday and gave it a good test drive. It is awesome!!! The remote works really fast. I had it on the wrist band(never even hooked up the foot control)and anywhere you happen to be in the boat, you just reach down and push a button. Go left, right, speed up, slow down, whatever. Not enough wind to test the auto pilot. It works great in calm conditions. Just aim at something and push the button. It keeps the boat heading at whatever you set it for.
I got the 24 volt model with universal sonar. The adapter plug should be here before this weekend. I'm going to hook it up to my Vexilar FL-18(that I haven't even tried yet) and give it a test drive next weekend. After running around all day, the battery guage still showed a full charge. Should be able to fish all weekend without even charging the batteries.
Awesome toy. If anyone is in the market for a new electric motor, I highly recommend spending the extra couple bucks and getting one of these.

Oh, we caught a few Walleye. I'll post an actual fishing report tonight if I have time.

Right on Bob, thats what I am looking at for the new boat. Glad to hear you liked it. Also glad to hear the co pilot was quick on the response. One of the big complaints I have heard with the wireless stuff is bad delay time. Looks like they may have got it worked out on the co pilot.
Just so everyone knows. Minn-Kota offers the co pilot as an add-on for any of the PowerDrive, PowerDrive with AutoPilot, and Riptide with AutoPilot motors. I have been checking it out on the web site. I'm also very glad to hear that it weems to work the way it should. Check them out at

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It is found under Products, and then accessories.
In case you are wondering how hard it is to convert those motors to a co-pilot,,,,it's way easy. I had to take the co-pilot off to install the motor. All you do is take the screws(two of them)out of one side and put the co-pilot side plate on. And hook up the wires. Un-plug and re-plug wires. You do need longer screws, but I'm sure they come with the co-pilot. I think my dog could do it. Well, if he could hold the screwdriver and not get a desire to chew on the cords. O.K. maybe he can't, but anyone else can do it.

how much for the dog?



ps he can do it!