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Well I got board and went down to one of the ponds and caught around 15 to 20 fish with the biggest at 17"...[Image: fish-on.gif]

Now the good news is two was bass both was 12" and 121/2" but fun to catch...[Image: fish-on.gif][Image: fish-on.gif]

Oh yes I'm not going to tell you witch willow pond I went to so don't ask....[crazy][cool]
hey bassrods, just curious, do you live in the southern end of the state? not trying to divulge your secrets, just curious where you are getting into bass this time of year.
[cool][#0000ff]Willow Park Pond does not freeze. It is right off 215, next to the Jordan River.[/#0000ff]
Bass bite all year long so why would I have to live in the south????[crazy][Image: fish-on.gif]
Hate to bust your bubble, but in colder months, the majority of the lake does freeze. About a month ago the ice was 6" thick. The portion by the inflows stays relatively warm. The well water they use stays considerably above freezing. That arm of the lake is the only available to fishing throughout most of the winter months, though. Unless you drill through the ice off the dock.

Right now, its ice free. 55* temps do that. Albinos, rainbows, and brookies are in there for the trout. And of course the few largemouth and bluies that haven't been snagged out yet. A few are big. Caught one last week that went 18".
Caught today.[Smile][Smile][Smile]
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They are not brookies but splake and the blues you talk about do you mean blue gill???

But yes it does freeze in winter and now you can see lots of albinos in it...
Nice fish leaky. How was the fishing? I know exactly where you are. It's been decent this year, but not as good as previous years.
BR- my bad, just hadnt heard of a lake up here that carried LMB and doesnt freeze. Good to know the secret spot now[Wink]
[left]nice catch man [/left]
Thats a beauty Leaky. Man I need to get out more. Looks like nice warm temps where you got that one too.
Yep, looks like it's warm in Arizona [Wink].
Good report cant beat the local ponds.Hey i cant wait for my pond to thaw out . My guess another week before i can start fishing it.[Wink]
Nice fish leak. That one your holding still have the trebble in his gullet? James caught that one. First fish on the big fish trip. It's slow out there people because I've already caught and released litterally 99% of all the fish in the ponds. All the ponds. I sorta have family and major, major history out there. Sorry. Looks like you still did great, though. Congrats. That's a mighty fine bass. Still at 16 1/4"?

Bassrods: Yeah, the bluies I talked about were blue gills. Not many left nowadays, though. The bass are eating them out. Yeah, they're brookies. The DWR guy that planted them said they were, the ones I caught were, and I'm not exactly dull with my fish ID's. But hey, I could be wrong. It's happened before(rarely).
I got a cupple of splake and one fisherman said they were brooks but when I talked to the DWR that was at the pond he said only splake was planted so I'm not sure who is right...

Ocean let me know when the ice is off....
Nice fish there leaky. I almost headed over there today. lol. It only takes me 40 minutes to go to "Arizona," haha[Wink]. I've got to hit that at least once this year.....I make it a winter tradition to go at least a few times. Looks dry on the banks, that's good. I hate that mud.
They are brook trout.