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Wake up boys[Image: fish-on.gif][cool][cool]I've got soft water
..then go fishing.. [sly]

MacFly [Image: fish-on.gif]
Maybe I will [Tongue]
... if I were in your position..with your exerience...Id do it... [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
Congrats on the soft water. Now all you need is some fresh,cold beer to go with the soft water.[cool]
always have liquid either either going in or out. it would stay cold with the fresh snow we're getting now[Sad]
That's what I used to love about "Real" cold water. I would just have to come up with a rigging system to hold a 12pack of aluminum bottles.[cool]
[center][cool][font "Pristina"][green][size 4]Hey there TN2 what X tippet are you using to hold your six pack from getting away? LOL[/size][/green][/font][/center]
The Tippett was getting bit off by the Bud hungry gators. I ended up having to use the 1/4 inch thick braided wire Tippett like we use for catching Crocks with.[shocked]
what actresses are steelin your beer now
[center][font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]Can you imagine a beer company running this ad on TV in this era?[/size][/green][/font][/center]
[center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=34066;][/center]
..thirty years ago when my eldest was born in Scotland.. nursing mothers were given three pints of sweetheart stour to help "relax" the mother and child.. hehe my wife and dauther loved it... [sly]

MacFly [cool]
Now I know why I gave up breast feeding and went straight to the bottle.[laugh]

I'm lucky now. The bottles come in 40oz, 32oz, 24oz, 16oz,12oz and 7oz shot glasses. I will continue to reap the benefits of the Hops and Malt.[Image: beerbang.gif] [Image: cheers.gif]