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[Smile]Could anybody supply me with a phone number of CJ Srike Reservoir so I can find out how to get there and conditions of the lake? Any help would be appreciated.
A few years ago when I was fishing there I called a place called Black Sand Resort . It sets right on the bank of CJ .
The Fishin' Hole Highway 51 28661 Benham Ave Bruneau, ID 83604 1-208-845-2001. Copyright 2006 The Fishin' Hole Bruneau, Idaho.
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I live near the lake. What do you want to know?
Hello Mojo1, My son lives in Nampa I'd like to know how to get to the best Crappie fishing and when it is the best time of year to go. I also here there are some nice smallmouth and perch in there as well.
I'd say April, May, or June are your best bets for smallies - fish the Snake River Arm. Right now is best for perch - fish off Cottonwood Campground. Crappie are spotty in Strike. If you find them, you can clean up. I can't tell you where to find them, because they move around. I have 1 spot that is killer for nice slabs, but I'm sworn to secrecy. You can pick some crappie up off the Cove Arm Dyke however.

Your best launches are the Air Force ramp, near the dam, and at Cottonwood Campground.
Mojo1: Don't answer this if you choose not to... My last trip to C.J. I painted literally hundreds of fish very close along the south half of the dam. Large concentrations along there and also right out in the middle. I was trolling for trout and trolled back and forth right through the targets with no action at all. Any idea what hangs out in that area? I usually pick up rainbows along the far shore opposite the AF ramp and around the entrance to the Black Sands area. No luck that day. The bows are either there or they're not...
Perch. Tough to catch the suspended ones, but possible. Could be crappie as well. I ran into a school near the dam last spring that spit out a couple buckets full before they vanished. I have a love hat reationship with those fish there. I love to eat them, and hat 'em when they play hard to get.[sly]

I have picked up a couple on wedding rings with no pop gear, off the rigger, but that was a while ago.
We caught about 60 crappie and a lot of perch near the dam Sunday. They were fairly small, crappie were hand size, a few of the perch stretched out to 10-12 inches.

Couldn't throw the crappie back because we were fishing so deep they got the bends or something, doa. The perch air bladder was in their mouth and eyes popped out but they seemed to make it back down to the bottom ok.

Made nice little fillets however and filled us up. Used jigs, worms, cutbait. Jigs seemed to work the best.
The perch die too if pulled from that deep. They swim down, but eventually float back to the top. Do a google on the Shelton Fish Descender. I use one on perch and crappie, and they work great.
hey there, it sounds like good fishing already that way. is there any good bank fishing at CJ strike, if so when
Trout off the bank = now. Perch off the dam = now. Bass etc, later after the water warms.