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Full Version: 1st Big Catch N 08
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Reeled this in on Sunday near Gem Lake...21 inch 2.8 another one on Monday that was 18 inches 2.4 lbs. I recently moved from Las Vegas to Idaho Falls...I'm sure that for a lot of you guys these aren't all that big , but for me it sure made my day !
hey nice fish i was just curious, where is gem lake, is it south idaho falls
Hey thanks...Gem Lake is right here in Idaho Falls (SE Idaho)...makes for some close to home quick fish'n action.
Is Gem Lake still frozen? Those are good fish in anyones book. Keep up the good work. If you work hard to get away from the crowds think you will find many fish that size in S.E. Idaho.

Let us know how you do at Ririe this morning.

that is a good looking fish.
what kind is it? we moved up from Florida last fall, so this is all new for me.
Gem Lake is still frozen...I have been fishing below the dam. I was at Ririe before the sun came up. I was freezing my butt off ... but it was worth it...the action started at 10:00 and I had my limit by 11:30. Caught all six in 3 ft. or less of water.
It's a German Brown...and tastes great! I'm new up here also...still lots to learn.
When you say 3ft of water are you saying 3ft under the ice or 3ft from ice to bottom? Sounds like you had a good day.


I'm sorry...I should have been more clear...3 ft or less from the ice...I was actually watching the Ko's take the jig...I was using my fish detector but the detector wasn't picking up the fish because they were so close to the ice...detector was showing a depth of 110 ft.