Fishing Forum

Full Version: Scofield 3-14-08
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Spend the day on Scofield Res. with Kentofnsl, mostly a beautiful day with a few snow showers and high winds throw in just to keep us on your toes, about 2 1/2 to 3 foot of packed snow, ice, slush. Firm packed in the morning, calf deep break thoughts of the first layer by late afternoon if not the sled tracks. Fishing was a little slow, but still a good day. Thanks to BFT for the Fishing Invite Idea that allows us to meet and share the experience and tips with others.

Also, got my first Bow of the year.
To bad the fishing wasnt so hot but at least you got out before the storm this weekend. Usually when the barometric pressure rises fishing is slow.At least thats how it works on the ocean.
Nice outing, but unfortunately the fish didn't get the message that they were the invited guests. We landed seventeen fish, but that certainly is not the quantity that I expected for Scofield.
Is that one of those new "Humpback Bow's"???[Tongue]
Nice fish!!!
You as an invited guest you sometime get Confused [crazy] on the targeted species, I understood we were after Salmon (humpie) so I got a cross.. [sly] Ha!