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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4]Well it has started and on it's way. Haven't heard any reports yet, but I will be there TYING tomorrow (Saturday) from Noon to 4 so stop by.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4]Not sure what I will be tying except maybe I can get some flies done for some of the swaps I am in and of course MASSIVE QUANTITIES of my Chironomids[cool][/size][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4]I am not the only Female tier at that time, I think Stef Jones is also and she makes the WORLDS best Chocolate Chip Cookies, hope she brings some.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4]Also Jack Dennis....WAHOOO! It should be fun.[/size][/font]
I was going to bring the family down but heard bad reports and reviews. I think it is a thing of the past for us.[Sad]
I went on Thurs afternoon. There is a lot of stuff for the kids to do this year, more than any other year. Fly fishing was very limited to the booths surrounding the casting pond. I fear fly fishing will soon enough not be part of the show. Good thing the Wasatch Fly Tying & Fishing Expo is around now. Everything else was hunting, goo roding, hand lotion and guiding services.

I will say the Splash dogs were good entertainment. I didn't have to to any of the other seminars but from the look of the schedule they are the same ones from years past.

It's good to attend just to socialize.

I was going to bring the family down but heard bad reports and reviews. I think it is a thing of the past for us.[Sad][/reply]
HEAY! The GARLIC AND NUT booths are still there![laugh]
I had fun today. Tied off and on for about 5 hours. Met some BFTers which was way kewl. Joked around with BS Flies and Denny Rickards, bought some new fly line and good looking rabbit.
I do feel it is mostly about VACATIONS anymore. In fact REEL WOMEN weren't even there. It was still nice rubbing elbows with the greats.
I even have a tutor who wants to train me to do the distance casting next year. That will be awesome.
Flygoddess, I was there on Thursday and also tying flies for the show.
The difference between you and me is that I was tying at the DWR kids booth.
We had a great time and the kids were very excited about the prized fly that they made and took home with them.
Who knows, perhaps we planted a seed into some of these kids.