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Bob Hannah has parlayed his love of fishing into a new online business at, offering products he's grown to rely upon himself to the online market.

Ofallon, MO (PRWEB) March 20, 2008 -- Bob Hannah has parlayed his love of fishing into a new online business at, offering products he's grown to rely upon himself to the online market.

"I fish, as a passion, so I decided to take that and turn it into a business," says Bob Hannah, explaining how he came to found his new store at "I'd actually tried the products by ordering them from another retailer and using them in tournaments. I thought they were quality and had good value, so I passed that along."

We care about our fishing and our customers

Bob's love of fishing and his trust in his products has led him to share 1st Cast Fishing Lures with the world, offering a growing variety of items to fishing enthusiasts who enjoy a reliable product recommended by experienced anglers. The business is run by Bob and his family, who are all equally passionate about the sport. "We care about our fishing and our customers," says Bob, who tries every one of the products on his site before he offers it for sale. "I actually use my products when I fish tournaments. They're important to me because they're a reflection of my business; I don't want anyone to have a negative attitude about the things I carry, because that would speak negatively toward my business and what I'm trying to do."

While his values are rooted in old school customer service and personal attention, Bob is very forward-thinking about his business. "I believe web sites are the future of the business world," he explains. "You can reach so many people that you don't have to have the brick and mortar store anymore. I think it's easier for people to shop a web site than it is to drive down to the mall." Bob has even begun a fishing blog at, not only discussing his products and new additions to the site but also fishing in general. "The way I look at my blog is, if I'm thinking about it then there must be someone else thinking about it," he says. "I think it's a great place to go in order to exchange techniques, and to get the word out about the latest and greatest things happening in fishing."

Bob also discusses his new additions, as well as the future plans for his business. "Right now we're basically about bass fishing, but I plan to expand into crappie and walleye lures. I just added finesse worms, and I only carry 3. They're used in one of the hottest techniques going, and that's shaky-head jig fishing. I also added a line of bags, which consist of tournament weigh-in bags, clear view tackle bags, and fishing rod bags."

Most of all, Bob wants to continue sharing his love of fishing. "First of all, I'm a fisherman. I use the products that I sell, and I'm passionate about fishing. Not only am I an owner, but I'm also a customer."