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Full Version: Gulf grouper harvest to reopen
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The recreational and commercial harvest of red, gag and black grouper in Gulf of Mexico federal waters and the commercial harvest of these species in Gulf state waters will reopen on March 15.

During the open-harvest season in all Gulf waters, recreational anglers may keep no more than five red, gag and black grouper in any combination daily, except that only one of these fish may be a red grouper. The captain and crew of for-hire vessels fishing in the Gulf may not retain the recreational grouper bag limit.

Minimum size limits of 20 inches total length for red grouper and 22 inches total length for gag and black grouper apply to sport anglers in the Gulf.

The minimum size for the commercial harvest of red grouper in the Gulf is 20 inches total length and the commercial minimum size for Gulf gag and black grouper is 24 inches total length.

Red, gag and black grouper in the Gulf are also managed by an established annual commercial harvest quota.