I'm thinking on taking a trip. I've never fished Fort Peck. I'm just wondering if anyone has fished it recently and could tell me how the fishing is. Thank you in advance.
Did you make your trip yet? I have a friend that moved up there and was planning on fishing there. I will e-mail him and see how he has been doing.
This is kinda stupid to reply 3 months later, but I just started on bigfishtackle. Me&3 buddies fished Fort Peck june 23-27 and we caught some nice fish-an 8lb & 5lb wally,10lb pike and a3lb smally.Caught lots of smaller fish also -GREAT PLACE-i'M GOIN BACK!
what type of lures were you using?
We were using mostly twister tails with a piece of worm to sweeten it and walleye spinner rigs with a worm. The breeze always blows so I like to drift and drag the stuff on the bottom.Caught smallies on wally divers(perch) and rattle traps.The couple of pike were caught on daredevils.
well you and I would have no problens fishing from the same boat we would be suited just fing for fishing the eyes's diffrent lures but same style and tequnech, most productive method I have found.[

Hey clowny!(just wanted to say that once.)Hardly anyone here in Colo drifts,they all troll.I like the stealth factor,and you dont have to smell fumes all day.Im thinking of buying some property in Fort Peck soon,nuthin special-probably a double wide on 1\2 acre near the dam.That way I'll have someplace when it comes time to retire where I can fish everyday-Ice fishin too.
good luck on the retirement thing. I attempted the same thing where I am at now, now in order for me to go fishing I eather have to walk in to the lake or go to another lake.

dest part about the whole thing is that the boat launch is only 50 yards from my house on my road.