my grandson and me hit willow pond today[cool]. started with flyrods on the south end. we both caught a couple with a size 20 wd-40 (red). around 10:30 it got pretty cold and it turned off. switched to spinning rods and the only thing I got was cold. tried most of my tackle but it all was a no go. my little buddy on the other hand caught tons of the golden trout off the dock on samon eggs. he had a blast. bout 1:40 the fish truck showed up and stocked with over 2000 rainbows. some looked fair sized comming out the pipe. sorry I don't have pictures. I don't have that capability yet but I am working on it.
hope to see ya on the water
I tried there for a little bit this morning. Never officially caught a fish on a fly rod and i want to learn. The wd-40 is a nymph right? I assume you need a strike indicator. How do you fish a nymph in still water? Do you strip line in slowly or what?
hey rc,
yep a wd40 is a nymph and a pretty good one. least it has been for me. at willow pond I retrieve it very slowly and twitch it every twice n a while. change the depth til you find the fish. as for an indicator it is up to you. I use a small one there just to let people know where my line is. I've seen them caught with hares ear
phesant tails and rs2 emergers. Try adams and blue duns for the dries. good luck. maybe we can hook up. I will be glad to share my limited knowledge.
Pa is right. WD40 is an awesome nymph. I have been using Chironomids, which are very similar to a WD40. A WD40 got it's name cause the little tail and the wing cast is out of Wood Duck. The bodys are generally just thread and there is a tuft of dubbing for the Thorax. Also, generally tied on a bent hook or a scud.
The Chironomids (and Pa, I have simplified them) is also a scud hook or it can be a nymph hook or even a 200R. They do straighten out, just like a scud.
I use a Bead Head (usually tungsten for the weight) and the body is thread or floss and wire. You can use Peacock for a thorax, but lately I just build a taper to the bead out of thread.
Best colors for me have been Black/White down deep, and Flashy Green/Gold OR and Lunker saw this, Blue wire on Black thread body, about two to three feet off the bottom.
I know we have no idea how deep Willow is so I start off with Nine feet and an indicator that will stand straight up if suspended, so Nine Feet is what I call deep. I work my way up from there.
Dumb question....where's Willow Pond ?
Just off the side of 215. Go straight west from state street on 6400 so. to Winchester Estates on the left side and Golf Course on right. Right at the end of the chain link fence on the south west corner of the golf course, turn north. Go up over the freeway and the park is right at the end of the hill. Pond is in the South/East corner and parking fairly close.
Gotcha....thanks !
My new hang out with the gas prices. I have to explore the Jordan this year also. Millcreek, little Cottonwood and Big Cottonwood are on the list as well. All close enough the gas won't kill me on multiple outings if you know what I mean.[mad]
I've caught lots of fish on flies, but it's always been with the ole fly and bubble on a spinning outfit.
Turns out now I got a little set up with a nice pflueger reel. I paired it with an 8ft. 5/6 weight rod I found for 10 bucks on clearance at Sportsmans the other day. I've been practicing my casting too. I went out and bought some more flies. Just some of the stuff I've heard people say has been working for them. I've seen lots of midges lately, and they were being hit by the fish at the Daybreak pond, so I figured I'd try a little midge fly too. I got those little bite indicators that stick on, from what I've seen they do the job.
Do you put a little sinker on the leader?
I say we need a Willow Pondfest. Make it an all dayer so those that have to work for a living can still come out and have a couple hours of getting to know and fun.
We can swap flies and ideas.....what do you say?
You bet FG. Count me in. Just about any day will work for me. Can we pick your brain ?? Please please please!
Sounds like a great idea. Nothing like seeing how to do something versus guessing after you read about it.
I am good Monday thru Wed. Then off to Idaho to tie all day Friday.
FG have you used these chironmoids any where else? Would think they would be good in lots of places.
Any stillwater. Tried them at Strawberry, Scofield, Little Dale, Tibble, Uinta's and all over in Idaho. I even caught a 24" cutt out of Henry's on Chironomids, but that is a long wait there. Oh yeah, went to Yuba for the first time last year and killed them on a Brown with a copper bead and wire. I call it the copper tea kettle....ready to serve LOL
Monday or Tuesday would be nice if people could make it. My boy is out of school next week for spring break and always loves to go fishing with dad.
I would be happy to come, I suck at stillwater and can use all the help I can get! Let me know the date and time..
I work fairly close by. I would love to come by for a few minutes during my lunch if anyone would be there at that time. I am new to fly fishing and would love to learn more from anyone who knows more than I do, which is probably about everyone.
I also work close by and could swing by for a little bit in the early afternoon.
I would love to meet some new people.
So how about it flygoddess? Monday or Tuesday work better for you?