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Full Version: Willard report
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Left the marina at about 3:30 and headed out on the maiden 2008 voyage in the big boat. It didn't start off that easy though. I was in the boat and had DKS's son driving my truck. He put me in the water and the starter wouldn't go. I hooked the gas line to the kicker and fired it up. Put it in reverse, heard a clank and nothing happened. I shut it off lifted it up and the entire prop assembly is in 6' of water. WHAT THE &%@*?????
Finally get the big motor to start and then headed out. We ran the motor for about 15 minutes and decided to start trolling. We each tried a number of old reliables with 2 hits and one hook-up(kelly had a good fish on for a few seconds). We trolled for about an hour without even marking a fish on the finder. We then decided to go fish for cats in the shallows. No bites on bait so we threw plastics for a whil. I had 3 good hits but no hook-ups. The W came up and it got cold so we migrated to the marina and tried in there. I got a phone call and while engaged in that had a large fish take my jig. Set the hook to nothing but water.[mad]
A loan tooner came into the marina and we proceeded to bs for a while. I asked if he had any luck and he gave me the finger.[shocked] 1 finger that is, he pulled up a nice wiper. We trailered the boat and walked over to inspect his fish. This 5.25# 20" wiper is a striking resemblance to the state record in obesity! That fish was the thickest wiper i have ever seen. Hopefully it is a sign of things to come.
Water temp ranged from 41* to 44*. The ice will be gone completely in a day or 2.[cool]
well sounds like it was the first trip of the yr for ya. mine was fun tuesday mine was a water cannon for a min shooting right at us. 50 hrs power super soaker. lol
Nice report Brody.... Shouldn't be long til things warm up a bit out there. [cool]
Nice work Brody. Did you figure out what was wrong with the starter motor?
Nice report Brody, thanks for getting out there and posting a report. How far under water is that hump as you go out the channel into the bay? Did you find your prop that fell off you kicker?
you know better than to answer the phone while your fishing[Wink][Tongue]
[cool][#0000ff]4 feet today...on the lip at the mouth of the marina. 7 feet plus in the channel.[/#0000ff]
Nice report, sorry to hear about the motor troubles. I got mine cleaned out and fired today. I am ready to go. I always catch fish when the cell rings... The fish gods have a sense of humor I guess.
Nope, gotta buy a new one.[Sad]
Thats too bad, I guess you didn't want to go swimming for it huh[Wink]. I wonder if it has enough metal in it that you could find it with one of those big magnets? I know a lot of props are mainly aluminum and brass which a magnet will not pick up, so it might not work.