Skipped school today (March 24) and fished the Lower Henrys Fork and had an awesome day. All fish came on "sucker spawn" behind a brown rubberlegs. Caught around 15 fish with several over eighteen. All in all a great day to be fishing.
Hey, nice report! Where on the river were you? I'm thinking of skipping class tommorow.
Nice fish Everett. What is a "sucker Spawn" is it top secret or can you share? Is it just an egg pattern?
I was fishing in the Fun Farm area. Tons of fish and a lot of fun. Use egg patterns or rubberlegs and let me know how you do if you get up there.
Hey Windriver yes it is just an egg pattern but its a little different then most and I haven't found anywhere that sells eggs even close to it. It is pale in color and any shade of green will do. I have my favorite color but if you make up any pale greenish eggs they work great.
Well I did make it out for a couple of hours today. It was every bit as good as you said! I ended up catching about 15 too. The biggest was a 23 inch Brown (see attatchment). He was long but he was pretty skinny, still a blast to catch.
Almost all of my fish came on leach patterns, with the exception of the big brown who bit on a tiny red midge nymph.
Great fish. I am surprised that the brown hit the midge puppa instead of the leech. What type and size of leeches were you using?
I have Spring break next Thursday, Friday, Monday, maybe we could get together sometime? I'll contact you later in the week through a P.M.
It surprised me too, but I was using an egg pattern above the midge at the time. When I finally landed him there were about four leaches on him, so I tied one, and eventually two leaches on.
I caught fish on a couple different leach patterns that I made up. But the most productive one was about a size 12 long shank with black marribou, peacock herl for a body, and grizzly hackle, (I think darker hackle would work better, but I didn't have any).
Thats a nice fish. Where on the river were you? I made it out today and caught 25 fish. All nice 16-19 inch rainbows. THis time all fish came on a size 8 rubberlegs. I love this time of year.
Wow, you guys are having all the fun! My son and I would love to try our hands at this place. Can you give us some kind of idea where to go? Any help is appreciated. I have a break next week (Thursday and Friday) and would love to get out on the water.
I can give you more specifics if you want to pm be but basically anywhere on the Henrys Fork right now, the fish are starting to stage and its been a ball. Its only going to get better though!
I was wondering where would be a good place to start exploring over there. I've never fished it before and would like to have a decent starting point. Thanks!
I agree with everet14. I don't think it really matters exactly where you go, it just matters what kind of habitat you fish. the fish seem to be staged, so you just have to figure out what kind of water they are in. At least that is what happened with me. but if you want a location, i was in Saint Anthony.
I'll be heading out again on friday, hopefully it is still good, warmer weather is coming I think. that will probably slow things down eventually.
Good luck if you go.
Hey I would just start within 5 or so mies of St. Anthony and you will be fine. We want this warmer weather. Right now most of the fish are all pre spawn and waiting for a little warmer water before they really get going. If it stays warm things should really heat up and stay that way until run-off starts. I will be up there friday as well if any of you see a white jeep feel free to say hey.
Just got back from fishing the diversions below the fun farm bridge. I believe the colder weather we have had recently has slowed things down a bit. I did get into some fish but they were few and far between. I actually only landed two with a few other bites. I got one on a bugger leach and the other on rubber legs.
It was a good day altogether, just a bit slower than I anticipated. Hopefully that warmer weather comes that Everet 14 mentioned.
A buddy and I are going Friday as well. We'll probably go a bit closer to St. Anthony. Thanks for the tips. Good luck on Friday.
I think you need to put some fish pictures in your portfolio[
