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[font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]The Orvis people put on their annual show at Bob Marriotts today. Tried out a Super Fine Trout Bum 6' 2wt [10z] Full Flex. Never swatted a 2wt before - but this rod was really nice. The reel was the CFO model. Was very tempted to pick one up but didn't want to spring for $475 & $179 for the reel. I guess one wouldn't mind catching a 10" trout for on the rod it would feel like a monster.[Wink][/size][/green][/font]
[center][font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]One of the first things that I noticed was the lack of metal or other materials in the construction of the handle. It was entirely made of cork with the exception of the two plastic rings used to snug up on the reel shoe. The reels shown below are not the CFO model. [/size][/green][/font][Image: fish-on.gif]
[font "Pristina"][#008000][size 4][/size][/#008000][/font][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=34591;]
...thats a nice looking rig.. are you sure you didnt buy one??? [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]I need another rod like I need another vise. So then again there is always tomorrow.[Wink][/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][Image: fish-on.gif][/center] [center]
[font "Pristina"][green][size 4]BTW FGD probably has a couple just sitting around in her rod shed. Maybe I'll wait until she is looking to clean out her shed.[/size][/green][/font] [Wink][/center]
Did you get a chance to check out their new Helios rods by any chance? I have too many rods but picked up FGD last half price extra Orvis rod just in case.
[center][font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]No I goofed. If I did I would have received a hat & a $10 coupon. Was more interested in trying out the Trout Bum rods. Did spend some time watching the Revel brothers demonstrate their casting skills. I mean how often do you see a couple of guys casting into their backing.[shocked][/size][/green][/font][/center]
I have the ONE OUNCE 7' 4 weight with the cork reel seat like in the picture.
The rod does weight "1 Oz." because of thats
You sure that was the "Trout Bum Series" and not the One Ounce?
cause they use to be two different rods. . Nice rod for sure. 2 weight I have the Sage LL. I would have been drooling over the Helios also, but, I got my dream rod anyway and I am happy.

Here is the JWF (Joan Wulff Favorite by Winston) with the green Vosseler reel.

[Image: Signature2.jpg]

[Image: JW6450.jpg]
uuuhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm if memory serves me correctly didnt you just buy a new vise???? [angelic]

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]Oh yea - well that was rather a frivolous purchase.[Wink][/size][/green][/font][/center]
frivilous maybe.. but fun.. and good for you in the long run.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[font "Pristina"][green][size 4]Well here is the exact discription of the rod:[/size][/green][/font]
[size 4][black]Superfine Trout Bum 602-4
[/black][/size][black][size 4]This fly rod is designed for those fly fishing spots with limited casting room. [/size][/black][black][size 4]Ideal for small, tight streams, creeks, and tributaries.
[/size][/black][black][size 4]6 feet, 4-piece, Full Flex 3.0 fly rod for 2 weight line. 1 oz.
Please note that the reel seat on this one-ounce, 2-wt. Superfine rod is made of cork with sliding rings.
[center][cool][font "Pristina"][green][size 4]I am just trying to do my part in helping the economy recover.[Wink][/size][/green][/font][/center]
lol.. it is well on its way with you in its corment..

MacFly [Image: fish-on.gif]
I just looked in the catalog, and I guess that is another Orvis rod they no longer make. EXCEPT for the 2wt.
This sucks, cause I always worry if the un mentionable happens and it breaks, what do they replace it with cause I LOVE my "One Ounce 7' 4 wt. and the same for the Far and Fine 7'9" TWO piece. While the new ones are nice, they are no replacement.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 5]Here is my new TOYS in action.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 5][/size][/font]
[inline Brookie.jpg]
[font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]Very few companies make a 6' 2wt rod. There was one other besides Orvis that sells for around $99 but the name skips me right now. Considering my expertise with a swatter that might be a little on the high end. [Wink][/size][/green][/font]
is that the new winston.. or the orvis 2 wt being discussed??

The picture is a Winston "GREEN" the Orvis is a brown or a reddish brown isn't it DR? Thanks for the critter pixs. I love those.
so I was half right.. lol.. either way.. its a great pic of your new toys and the results of your expertise.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Pristina"][size 4][cool][#800000]I was referring to the Orvis 2wt shown at the top of this thread MacFly. I thought that FGD was going to show us a picture of her 1 oz swatter but apparently not. Yes the Trout Bum is reddish brown or maybe even maroon.[/#800000][/size][/font][#800000]
[/#800000][/center] [center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=34640;][/center]