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[Smile]Me and my dad drove up to pineview this evening got there about 7:00Pm and fished till 8:30 did pretty good fished the southern arm by the campground didn't catch anything for a while then probably about 7:30 my dad hooked up with a carp and anyone who doesn't like catching carp hasn't caught one at pineview on light tackle(They fight hard) then about 8:00 we started catching rainbows caught 4 and had a few other bites all the bow's were 13-14in. and pretty fat all caught on a worm under a sinker. It was fun cause I didn't think that rainbows went into the reservoir from the riverBy the way the water is really low unfortunatly I don't think it will come close to as full as it got last year[Sad]Most places I like to fish at pineview it has to be full or you have to walk forever to get to the water.Oh Well hopefully this drought ends soon.
pineview is filling quickly and im pretty sure it will be full in a month or so. the question is if they will keep it full or not.
I seen on the news last Sunday that pineview had risen 3' in two weeks but is still 19' below capacity.
Thanks XMan I hope they keep a lot of the water last night me and my bro fished up by the campground and i could see fish jumping like crazy either perch or crappie but they were in some very thick brush it looks like when the water comes up about 5-6 feet I could fish it with minimal snags hopefully the water comes up fast.
just so you know perch and crappie dont jump. or if they do its very rare. those are the carp getting ready to spawn breaking up there eggs. but keep your eyes out the muskies are mixed in with those carp and if you watch carefully you can the difference of the carp and muskie by how they roll or jump.
it was like this last year. and as soon as you knew it it was full. wont take long.
Hm Well I guess in a few weeks I'm goin carp fishin Thanks Xman you really know your stuff [Smile]
Hey X , them crappie jump if they got a hook in there lip . I remember seeing something breaking the surface once and tied on a popper and found it was a school of crappie hanging there . Happen right after a thunderstorm , but they never jumped out of the water . I did nail about 30 that day on poppers . tight lines
[Smile]hey Xman I have seen plently of crappies jumping and rolling around the flooded brush at pineview res. and i have seen crappies jumping at willard bay when there is a hatch of bugs on the water. I always watch the water and if i see one jump or roll i cast right there and usually catch one or sometimes quite a few in a row. I was at willard the first weekend in march with my dad and we caught 12 crappies and should have had at least 20. We were watching the crappies jumping out of the water after some kind of bugs and casting to the spot they were jumping and did quite well until the sun went behind the clouds and the air temp. dropped
Hey Trifishin
I have had a hard time trying to find and catch crappies. I have never caught one out of willard. What kind of lures or jigs do you use to catch them? Also what areas at willard do you find the crappies at? Thanks wiper24
[Smile]hi Wiper24 i haven't been to willard lately because the weather has been so cold and that usually makes the crappies shut down. When the water starts to warm up go to the north or south marina and use a pensil bobber to detect those light bites and below 2 feet to 6' it put a small green or white curly tail, or try some different small 1 1/2" tube jigs and you can tip them with a waxworm, mealworm or a powerbait sparkle nibblet. If you need some more info drop me a private message thanks trfishin
Those crappie are tough to find, it seems like this time of the year is the best time to find them and at Willard that is the north marina and the south marina and the channel. The channel just opened today(saturday) and the catching can be good after it opens. WH2
Another good way to find crappies is to get a few days in a row of warm weather at this time of year, then head to Pineview and work small marabou jigs in the willows and reeds. They're really easy to catch, especially early in the morning. You just have to hit it on the right day. This is the only time of year that I have consistently caught them anywhere. But, make sure it's warm weather for a few days in a row.
hey tr,

i believe you when you say you have seen crappie jumping. i personally never have. but up at pineview i was just letting him know that those arent crappie jumping. definetely carp. but interesting to know that they jump for bugs i have never seen it before ill have to watch the reads more carefully to see if they are and then use a popper.
[Smile]Hey Xman if you ever fish for bluegills make sure to watch around the reeds and the moss banks. I have fished pelican lake a few times and if you watch the water close you will be able to see them jump out of the water or just come up to the surface to pick those bugs off of the surface. I also have watched those smallmouths at the gorge come up and jump for bugs to.