Fishing Forum

Full Version: fishing invite for bass at utah lake friday morning 4/4/08
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I have a 16ft Nitro bass boat and i am going to take it on its first run this season. I plan on putting in at American Fork and fish for about 5 hours or so. I have never been on the lake before so i am looking for someone that knows the lake. give me a call 435-830-3514. (Don) Catch & Release for bass, I have fished Lake El Salto, Mexico, all over Italy and Spain.
Good luck! If the wind is blowing even half as much as they say its going to you could be in trouble and that lake is known for getting rough when storms like this come through...
I didnt know it was supposed to be windy friday, I will check weather report tonite and then make my decision. thanks..
spot taken, my neighbor seen my pulling my boat out and came over and is coming with me if I go. All depends on the wind I guess. Next time I will try and give others a try. I will write back friday afternoon if I get any.
I am down ... Drop me a line if you still need a partner
We didn't catch much but the boat ran good and the bass we did cacth were really nice. Thanks again!
thanks for the company cliff, we will have to fish alot this summer. I am ready for a great summer of fishing.