I'm just wondering if anyone is worried about this mosquito virus that is supposed to be in Utah this summer? I know that places like Willard Bay and Utah Lake are notorious for mosquitos in the summer. I don't think It will stop me from fishing,"even if it ends up in Utah this year",but It might discourage me from taking kids.[unsure]-TIBBZZ-
it is definitely in the back of my mind. I actually thought about it at WIllard last year. But it wont stop me from going out fishing, but I might actually start using bug repellant more. and take my vitamins [laugh][laugh][laugh]
From what I understand, if you even have a hint of a compromized immune system or in poor overall health and even in the "aged" or very young group, you had better use a liberal ammount of bug juice. Especially with bird migrations all ready well underway I'm quite sure there will be a few cases by the end of summer.
I am, of course, more worried about my kids than myself. But luckily, I just got the test paperwork from NAFC to test some new bug juice. It should be here within the next 6 weeks. I guarantee I will be giving the entire bottle a good test. I will post the results here as well as sending the report in. I'm in the Uinta Basin where they know it will surface first. I saw what appeared to be a sick bird in the driveway about a week ago and that was the first thought that ran through my mind. I found out later that the pidgeon just had a nest nearby and was playing wounded. What a relief.
you know i read some where you have a better chance of being struck by lighting then getting west nile virus BUT better safe then sorry i to will be using repellent this year
i;d be more worried about SARS !
]I got my first mosquito bite of the year last night at pineview so I guess its not too early to use mosquito repellent I,ll keep everyone posted if I get the virus but it doesn't bother me much but then again I don't have kids to worry about.
I heard that 600,000 people got west nile last year, but didn't know they had it because symptoms can be very subtle.
We get updates from the CDC, and the state health dept. all the time at work (ER). The west nile virus will make most individuals feel a little sick. You'd have some malaise, maybe a little fever, and a slight cough, probably think it was a cold or something. The problem is when it enters the cerebral spinal fluid and causes a potentially threatening viral meningitis. It can't be treated with any anti-biotics, or anti-virals, so you just have to have some luck, and maybe some help from the Big Man to pull through. Like it was said in a previous post, those who are very young, very old, or immune compromised (cancer, HIV, etc), are at risk of serious disease. Just make sure to wear some repellant and everyone should be fine. But if you have horses, please get them vaccinated, because the death rate is significantly higher.
You know, them skeeters out at willard dont carry the west nile virus? Nope, they do however carry a different virus, The @#*% farm virus. If you get bit too many times you wind up smelling like the feed lot on a hot summer day with a stiff breeze. Yep, you get that and you will wish you had the west nile virus.
Then if you are real unlucky you will get caught in a swarm of them nasty buggers and they will decide not to bite you, they will just pick you up, right out of the boat and carry you off to the nest where the entire hive will suck all the blood right out of you.
The ice fishing god thought his buddy dissapeared into the giant ball of lures, but what really happened was he got taken to the hive.