Fishing Forum

Full Version: UPDATE!!! 1ST Annual BFT CATFEST @ Lincoln Beach!!!
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I will close the post, or end it on Monday morning (4/7/08) 10am. Right now we are standing at about [cool]75 confirmed, and that is including about 20-25 kids[Wink]. It looks to be a good turn out. I am keeping a close eye on the weather, but have not seen a 10-day report yet.
No-one, as of yet, has mentioned bringing hamburgers or ham. buns. I would assume that there will be enough Hot Dogs and fish.

I still need a few to bring ice, and coolers for the ice.

[size 1]For those that are bringing items and haven't told me , let me know by Monday morning.[/size]
[size 1]RSVP's....[/size][size 1]Reply to the sticky at the top of the forum. (Thanks) this will be very helpful.

Here is what we have so far for necessities...

Troutlover.... Hot dogs and hot dog buns
Troll............ Prizes for kids and condiments
FishFinder462... Eating utensils
Vivid-Dawn...... Drinks
Heartbeat....... Will cook/ Bringing Stove and grill
Narient.......... Plates and cups
Firemountain.... Prizes/ Cook/ Contribute to pavillion
Ocean............ Hot dogs/buns/ port. grill & heater
Geezer........... Garbage Bags and Paper Towels, Deep fryer, and cooking oil
Aceman.......... Paper towels, napkins, alum. foil
MGB & RAK...... Chips and cookies [/size]
[size 1]Sewfish.......... Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Cookies [/size]
[size 1]TLSpyder13..... Chips[/size]
[size 1]LADrew........... Fish [/size]
[size 1]Bassrods........ IS GONNA BE THE CAMERA MAN[/size]
[size 1]TUBEDUDE...... Cooking/ Deep fryer

If I am missing something, please let me know. Reply to the sticky post at the top. Here is what we still need.....

Hamburgers/ Hamburger Buns
Fish to cook
Baggies (bring your own for your fish)

And whatever I may be missing.

I will volunteer cleaning any Catfish caught the day of the BBQ (gathering) Just bring your baggies for the fillets.

TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!!!!! [/size]