I just got a fly rod from sportsmans and i'm not having any luck catching anything i was wondering if there is anybody in utah county area that would like to go with me to show me some techniques, for rivers streams, or still waters.
i have watched FF movies, read everything online that i can find and the info helps but i would rather learn from watching and being taught
Send a pm to Joni(Flygoddess) about Willow pond. You can catch alot of fish there and practice your technique.[

For sure! Gives you a chance to work on technic also. I go every chance I can. Went today, but I think I ticked then gentlemen off down the bank. I walk up and watch him throwing out a spoon or some other hard lure. This guy was casting almost completely across to the other side. Slow retrieve. I would have thought something would have bit, covering that much water.
I string up my rod with floating line, 9' leader and a couple of Chironomids with an indicator at about 8'. Roll cast it out about 30 to 40' and watch. I was bringing in a fish as soon as that chironomid sank. I looked over at the gentleman on about the 6th fish. He shook his head, took his pole apart and walked off....SORRY! Sometimes a fly is the answer.[cool]
SOMFLMFAO!!! That is too funny. Way to go Joni! If i have to turn in paperwork tomorrow i am going to stop by the pond for a couple hours.[

PM me and we can set something up.
Where about is Willow Pond?