[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Looks like there is a bit of a problem (at least for me) in writing new posts, replies to posts, and PM's: My advanced editor doesn't display a cursor and typed characters don't show up.
For me, the solution is to go to the Basic Editor and enter it there. That's not a big deal for me because I do most of my writing in the basic editor anyway but I'll bet there are many who don't.
Anyone else having this problem?
Mine works but it's going to take some getting used to for sure Why the change i didn't see nothing wrong with the old format
Yea, Kent and I were having the same problem, I just barely figured it out before you posted this message.
Hopefully they will fix this when they get all the bugs worked out.
I'm not having trouble with that. The only thing I don't like (so far), is that the text seems twice as small. I'm having to squint now, and I'm not even old and need glasses! LOL
Most places have a feature that you can change text size. And most browsers do too...but I don't want to change that, just for one website. Maybe I'll look around and see if I can find a changer somewhere.
I did finally decide to try the chat link, but of course my dinky little Dell crashed...again [

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]OK, here is what I have learned so far ....
If you are trying to access the BFT forums from existing saved links, favorites, or bookmarks, you will be taken to old screens that don't necessarily work right.
To get to the new look, do the following:
Start by going only to
Under the Features tab, click on Fishing Forums.
Then in the Forums page, scroll WAY down to the Utah Fishing Forum's General Discussion.
From there, things seem to be working better.
[#bf0000]It looks like the idea is to
NOT use existing saved links, favorites, or bookmarks. Rather start new from the
www.bigfishtackle.com page and [#bf0000]
save new links[/#bf0000], favorites, or bookmarks.[/#bf0000]
How do you view pictures. Did something change or am I missing a setting somewhere?
[#0000ff]Well, I also was unable to post using Advanced Editor last night. So, I shut off the computer and got back on this morning. Works now.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Still no pictures. Can't post 'em or see 'em yet. That does require some work to set up properly, but it will be done. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am sure there will be other glitches that take time to get worked out so that everything works well.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Everybody needs to be patient and take their meds.[/#0000ff]
[#000000][size 4]To address the dinky font reading issue, Here is what I did (for temporary relief):
Hold down the ctrl key and on the mouse turn the little wheel one way or the other (that will increase or decrease the font size).
If you don't have a mouse with a wheel on it, Hold the ctrl key and the shift key (at the same time) and tap the "+" or "-" key to get the type to increase or decrease accordingly.