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The month of March is crammed with a number of environmental conferences in which MassWildlife staff will be participating. Conservation minded citizens may want to take a look at the offerings below and sign up soon!

March 1-MassWildlife at the Annual Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commission Conference, Worcester - The 2008 MACC Annual Environmental Conference will be held at the Hogan Campus Center, Holy Cross College. Over 1,000 Conservation Commissioners, other local officials, state and federal environmental officials, consultants, attorneys and others enjoy a full day of activities. Fisheries and Natural Heritage Program staff from MassWildlife will make several presentations and staff will be on hand at the Exhibitor area to answer questions. Registration information can be found at or by calling MACC at 617/489-3930

March 5-State Environmental Education Conference, Worcester-The Massachusetts Environmental Education Society (MEES) will be holding its annual conference at the College of the Holy Cross Hogan Campus Center. This year, the MEES conference will focus on Energizing EE and Going Green. The Conference will help educators plug into Environmental Education with GREEN hot topics, concepts, impacts and solutions. For over 30 years, the MEES conference has attracted participants with its innovative presentations, networking opportunities, informative exhibits and pleasant atmosphere. The conference draws a diverse audience including classroom teachers from pre-school to college, museum and nature center staff and administrators, and community resource leaders. Pre-registration is required, walk-in registrations are not accepted. More details at

March 15-Massachusetts Birds Conference, Waltham-Calling all bird enthusiasts! This conference is all about Massachusetts birds and for the people who enjoy them! MassWildlife and MassAudubon are co-sponsoring the 16th Annual Bird Conference . This year's theme is "Massachusetts Birds: Our Common Wealth and Natural Heritage." Whether you feed birds at home, seek birds with binoculars, spotting scopes or hunting gear, you are sure to find topics that appeal to your interest in Massachusetts birds including: research findings, waterfowl identification, youth bird clubs, conservation stamps, bird calls, habitat management techniques for birds in decline and many other bird related topics. Presentations will be offered by a variety of experts from MassWildlife, MassAudubon and other conservation organizations. Visit displays and exhibits offered by bird oriented groups and businesses and lunch with bird enthusiasts from all walks of life! Proceeds from this conference will support MassAudubon's Important Bird Area (IBA) program and MassWildlife's Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. Program details and registration information can be found at: or call Linda Cocca at 781/259-2151 or e-mail

March 29-Massachusetts Land Trust Conference, Worcester-This annual conference, co-sponsored by the Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition and The Trustees of Reservations will be held in a new location this year, the recently completed Worcester Technical High School. These workshops and discussions offer valuable assistance to

land trust board members, volunteers, staff, municipal commission members, and others committed to land conservation. "Collaborating on Land & Habitat Initiatives with the Sporting Community" will be offered by Joseph Larson, Fisheries & Wildlife Board member and Susan Benoit of the Massachusetts Outdoor Heritage Foundation. Pre-registration required. For more details, go to or contact Angel Vega, 978/840-4446 x1905