04-15-2008, 12:11 AM
Numerous ponds have been constructed in Nebraska, most in the eastern third of the state. Although many of them provide good fishing, some do not because of improper construction, management, or conflicting uses. Ponds need to have good water quality, favorable aquatic habitat, and proper management in order to develop balanced fish populations that will achieve desired angling goals. It is also crucial that ponds have adequate water depths to prevent excessive growth of aquatic vegetation and to support aquatic life when adverse environmental conditions occur.
The Nebraska Pond Management handbook was developed to provide information that owners can use to manage existing ponds or construct new ones. The handbook contains 96 pages and consists of five chapters that provide information on pond construction, environmental modifications, stocking, management, and potential maintenance problems. By knowing what conditions can lead to problems, pond owners can correct or even prevent them.
Before you can download/print either the entire handbook or individual chapters, you will first have to answer some questions below so that a database can be established to determine the demand and usefulness of the publication. Since printing and mailing costs are substantial, hard copies of the handbook are reserved for owners (or managers) of farm ponds. They will also be asked several questions - including ownership and location of the pond(s). Hard copies can be requested by contacting the fisheries biologists at your area Nebraska Game and Parks Commission district office, or the Commission's Private Waters Specialist in Lincoln. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Mailings may be delayed until enough requests are compiled to get bulk mailing rates.
The Nebraska Pond Management handbook was developed to provide information that owners can use to manage existing ponds or construct new ones. The handbook contains 96 pages and consists of five chapters that provide information on pond construction, environmental modifications, stocking, management, and potential maintenance problems. By knowing what conditions can lead to problems, pond owners can correct or even prevent them.
Before you can download/print either the entire handbook or individual chapters, you will first have to answer some questions below so that a database can be established to determine the demand and usefulness of the publication. Since printing and mailing costs are substantial, hard copies of the handbook are reserved for owners (or managers) of farm ponds. They will also be asked several questions - including ownership and location of the pond(s). Hard copies can be requested by contacting the fisheries biologists at your area Nebraska Game and Parks Commission district office, or the Commission's Private Waters Specialist in Lincoln. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Mailings may be delayed until enough requests are compiled to get bulk mailing rates.