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Full Version: Results from South Padre Island surf trip
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[#007f00][size 2]Friday evening, after the Brother-in-law and I got all of our honey-do-jobs knocked out, we loaded up the Jeep and headed to South Padre Island.for a day of surf fishing. We had to stop and get bait and some munchies for the trip. As we crossed the Causeway it started raining but by the time we pulled into beach access #5 it stopped. At about 9:30 we pulled onto to the beach and started heading north, looking for a spot to through up our tents. It was rough going in the 2wd Cherokee. I had to drive in the water to avoid the rutted out beach. It looked like there had been an off road race held there that day. After about 7 miles of driving we finally found a spot that looked solid enough for me to back in and set up camp. We unloaded our gear and started setting up our tents by the light of a Coleman lantern. At about midnight we finnished our camp and sat down to assess the situation and shoot the breeze a little. After a couple cold ones and a few tall tails I looked down at my watch : 2:30 am, I'm hitting the sack.

After what seemed like about 10 minutes of sleep I opened one eye and saw a little light through the side of the tent.. I crawled out of the tent and greated my brother in law with " where's the coffee". I knew we forgot something.

The first cast sailed at about 6:30 am. Not long after, Clint yells "FISH ON".The first fish of the day was a small Bonnet shark.

[Image: MESS3307CustomImage2618700.jpg]

The 2nd fish of the day came at about 8:00, another small bonnet shark.

[Image: MESS3307CustomImage2566957.jpg]

A two hour dry spell was ended by a screaming drag and a yelling brother in law, the fight was on. I don't know how long the fight lasted but when I walked out in the surf to grab the fish, we were about a half a mile from where we started. It was a very large Jack Cravalle. I guessed it to be around 30#. Clint was completely gave out, arms felt like jello he said. Then came the picture taking and spectator interviews. Its funny how a bent pole draws a crowd.

[Image: MESS3307CustomImage2629216.jpg]

We fished a little longer and decided to stop for a bite of lunch.

A couple hours later I feel a thump thump on the surf rod, then a pull."FISH ON". I've never seen the spool spin that fast on the Okuma spinning reel. I thought I forgot to set the drag, no it was pretty tight. This fish tried to make me walk the beach too, but I kept him within a 20 yard area. Every time it stopped to rest I bore down on him. It felt like I had hooked a sheet of plywood right in the middle and it was trying to bury its self in the bottum of the gulf. If you have ever hooked a nice Jack you know the feeling. Clint done the honors of tailing the fish and dragging it to the bank.

[Image: MESS3307CustomImage2575138.jpg]

We laid it beside the other one, they looked like twins.

A couple of guys stopped by to see our fish. They were headed to the north jetty for a little shark fishing. I knew of a group of guys that was up there for a get togather. We sent the pair of Jacks to them for shark bait.

The next fish to bite was a 26 inch red. I turned to Clint and said, supper time.

[Image: MESS3307CustomImage2583181.jpg]

All of our fish were caught on dead squid with a little FISHBITES.

After battling a bunch of floating sea weed for the next few hours I looked at my watch. It was 4:30 so we decide to pack up and head home. The sand had dried to powder and I barely got the Jeep out from it's parking spot. All in all it was a great trip. I did not get to meet hardly any of the people I was supposed to meet down there but Clint and I had fun .

Until next time,


FISH ON BROTHA![/size][/#007f00]
That was a great day in the surf! Thanks for the report!
Can't wait for the next one!
Hey Game, I wish we could have coe down your way. Now I like that kind of fishing. Maybe next year if I get to come down to Port Aransas, I can comeon to the south end of Padre and get in some fun. It has been hecktic for me since we got back so I am slow at making posts so please forgive me. Keep up the good fishing. Believe it or not tomorrow I plan to shoulder my trusty 410 and try for a nice Tom Turkey. If that don't work, I'm going to get ssor and head for Lake Rupert to see if we can catch some fish.
Sounds like fun.I bet you have to hit a turkey solid to kill one with a 410.Good to hear from you again.
With the extended season on the Turkys up in Ohio this year, If Windy don't get a tom with that 410 she will go fishing for them like she did last year. Every time I try to go to her place I have to wait for them turkys to get off the road!