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Full Version: Will the secret BC be open by next weekend??
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It has been so hard trying to plan a trip for my brother and dad for next weekend, Thursday thru Saturday.

Originally, we planned on an Otter Creek, Forysth, Mill Meadow trip.

Now, I am beginning to think a Green River, to FG Big Bend for kokes, rainbows and Macks, to Birch Creek for Tiger Trout and finally thru Pineview for Musky.
So it would be Thursday AM Green River, Thursday PM and all day Friday FG, Saturday morning BC and Saturday afternoon Pineview.

I am just wondering if BC will be open water by the 26th??

If you had to choose between these trips, what would you do?

This is the worst part of fishing - not enough time or money to do all the trips you want and having to pick between two awesome possibilities.
There is no chance BC will be ice free. It is still freezing up here at night.

FYI, Monte Cristo will open the end of May at the earliest.
Good to know - it looks like a couple of storms are coming through in the next few eeks so i might have to stick to the lower elevation warmer central utah locations.
You can PM me anytime for info. I live just a few mile away from BC.
Woodruff, the city where Birch Creek is located, is one of the coldest spots in the lower 48. It will be the last to thaw and access through the snow won't be until May or June, just like in the Uintas.
It's a long drive to switch from FG to PIneview so I would just stay up there as long as I could. There is nothing wrong with Pineview, I live 20 min. away and fish it quite often but would rather spend a day on FG or the Green. Unless the fish aren't biting, that is.
I am also planning a trip, I was thinking Otter Creek, Piute, and either Forsyth, or Millmeadow. I have never been to Forsyth or Millmeadow and was wondering if you could tell me what lures/bait to use and what type of fish you can catch at these locations? I will be fishing from a small boat and was wondering what the launch is like, mud or concrete? Thanks for the help.
Mill Meadow has a nice boat ramp, concrete I believe, while Forsyth is a primitive dirt ramp from what I remember. We fished these lakes with Fish Lake last year at ice off with float tubes and wondered why we even bothered with Fish Lake. We slayed that at MM in the morning with x-raps and pointers, browns, splake and a bow. At Forsyth we only had an hour and hooked four, landed one 20" tiger and had another break me off with my $$ pointer.[mad]

Since then I have fished these lakes 3-4 times and each time has been great at MM and the last time at Forsyth 4 of us caught about 60. This time of year I would fish shallow with minnow immatators for bigger fish. We were fishing from shore so I don't know how trolling is at these lakes.

Good luck.