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Full Version: Bottom tracking with Humminbird & Mag 20
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I'm wondering about using the bottom tracking mode with a Humminbird Combo, and a Cannon Mag 20 Downrigger. I'm setting this up on my boat now to use on the Gorge, and the question of how to manage the line on the rod when the weight is moving constantly keeps comming up in my mind. I've searched the web for some guidance and setup tips, but found basically nothing usefull. For any of you that have used the bottom tracking feature, what's the best way to make the whole thing work smoothly (if that's possible that is)?

Usually if you use good long limber downrigger poles you have quite a few feet of leeway. When the ball drops a few feet your pole will flex and line stretch and you will get some give. When the ball comes up the excess line will belly out quite a bit. Really depends on how fussy you want to be about it. I keep it pretty tight with kokes so they don't shake the hook because of too much slack line. I dont have bottom tracking. Obviously if it makes adjustments to your ball you will at some point get outside an acceptable amount of load or slack on the fishing pole. Then you will have to be a fisherman and adjust your line on your pole to compansate. Hmmm thats why I don't need bottom tracking. Let us know how it goes as there has to be some new things to learn on this one.
I have the set up you are thinking about installing & I am not sure I have the answers for you. It is not a problem if the bottom doesn't vary by about 5 to 10 feet - you leave a little slack and there is some flexibility with the rod.

If you vary more than this amount, you are going to have slack in the line or pull out of the downrigger release - unless you have a loose drag on the reel.

I guess another option would be to have a second guy onboard that is constantly making ajustments!!
Have you checked Humminbirds website? They have a section on FAQ's and I remember reading about your issue. If not I know there tech support is wonderful to work with....I have talked with them on issues about the 797 model of gps unit.