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Full Version: In my dreams...
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I don't know who might be interested in this, but it amused me plenty. A dream about leaving the catfry party the other Saturday at UL.

Leaving the boat ramp road, and turn off onto a dirt road. After a couple minutes, I notice I'm getting into swamp, and soon my car just doesn't want to go any further. So, I get out with a rope on the bumper, and start pulling, sloshing ankle deep...knee deep... and finally stop to take a rest when I'm up to my thighs in water and reeds.
I see something kind of golden, and think "Oh, fish!". I know what I'm doing is illegal, but it's out in the middle of nowhere, and nobody's I reach down, and scoop up a trout with my hands. I put it in my 'fish holder' that's really a plastic grocery bag. Temptation gets to me, and I go for another one. This one gets away, and the moment after, realize it's the snout of a young crocodile!
So now I'm thinking "Oh great, I better get out of here before my feet and legs become a snack!". So I clamber into my tin boat, and start paddling off.... with my hands, since I have no oars. Then I woke up.

I figure my brain finally caught up with all the inconsistencies! There's no swamps with wild alligators in Utah, my reflexes aren't good enough to catch fish by hand, I'm not strong enough to pull my car and my car is not a Transformer (into a boat), and in reality I got lost on a dirt road TO the party and found my way home just fine.

And then I had a dream about getting a new hot chocolate maker, but that's both too fuzzy, and not fish related [:p]
[ol][li]Hopped up on the Nyquil, huh. [Smile]
good lord, what did you eat before you went to bed!?