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Full Version: Hit the view and East canyon
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Late report..
Got to Pineview at 7:15 and found fish holding in 35'to 45' and when I dropped down on then all I could get was a carp scale...
The air temps was 25 and the water was 39...

Went looking for more fish but with low water I only found one here and one there until I seen some birds working in the backs of a cove...

I found tigers just under the water in 2' to 3' of water with a few stick ups I hooked three and they just bit my line into then I got one in the lip with the senk-o it went 34"...
Then just down the bank I found two bass just sunning that wanted to play both was about 14", About 11:00 I loaded my boat and headed for East canyon...

When I got to east I found that most of the lake was iced over but the ramp was open for about 75 yards out and along that shore...

I launched and started fishing eastward around the point I got one bow and one smallmouth at 12" and was just past the point when the wind started to come out of the south...

I worked the shore a bit more then I could see the ice moving in to shore, I had to move quick to get by the ice and the point I broke through a little ice to get back to the ramp..

By the time I got my boat loaded the ice was being pushed on shore at both points on each side of the ramp...

With the wind we have the ice will be off of east canyon by now....
Thanks for the report looks like you had a good time.