07-31-2001, 12:42 AM
Improvements in technology, while sometimes expensive, are worthwile.<br>One such example is titanium leader material. It does not kink or rust. It is extremely flexible and even boasts the ability to stretch. It has a much lower profile than conventional wire leaders of a similar gauge. In addition it can be tied with conventional knots and does not have to be haywire twisted. The one drawback is that it is about ten times as expensive as conventional wire leaders.<br>However this should not matter to professional kingfishermen who fish tournaments for a living as the advantages are immediately obvious. Imagine having a kink free leader that can be used repeatedly because it does not rust. A leader that actually absorbs some of that initial shock when a smoker king makes his first lunge. And most importantlyy a leader with extremely low profile, just fabulous.<br>This is the way to go in the future, as fish become smarter and more wary, that is in my opinion. The only thing now is for the price to go down.<br><br>