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Full Version: Yuba Report
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First thanks for all the input On how to fish this body of water. I got there sat at around 6:30. Wind was blowing but not to bad launched and went out to the first submerged island and threw some jigs for a while no takers. Drifted with worm harneses along the east side nothing. Even ran some popgear for rainbows still nothing. Talked to a couple of other fisherman when I pulled out and they only caught one carp. At 12:30 the water by the state park was very large white caps had I to pull out at painted rock. It was still nice to get out just wish the fish would have been willing to bite. Water temp on the finder was only 45to 47 degrees. Still a little cold it seems.
Welcome to the site Barbar78 and thanks for posting your report. Sounds like the catching was very slow, did you try jigging for any perch? WH2


Yea I did jig for some perch. Got anchored above what looked to be a good school on the sonar but couldn't get then to bit. Tried Tubes and curlys both tipped with worms. No luck.