Thinking about heading to Twin in next few days, does any one know what the soft water situation is that way, or glenndale? Supposed to start warming by weekend so might be good time to hit the water.
I talked to the lady that does the reservations for camping on Twin Lakes and she said that it was ice free. I was thinking of going up there myself. I am going to wait until either next Tuesday or Thursday. I am pretty sure all the Preston Area lakes are ice free and almost full of water too. Last year was one of the best I have had there on the Preston Area lakes. LMB, Crappie and Bluegill fishing was out of this world!!! Let me know when you decide to go and maybe we can run into eachother.
Looks like thursday is going to be my day due to work I have to do around home [frown] to get boat ready and some other things, but cant wait to see if the pan fish are hitting yet or how many survived the low water from last year and hard freeze we had over winter. I'll hollar when i know for sure though.
I guess with the front and bad weather coming in wednesday-friday, im gonna give it a try in the morning, monday, and see what I can surface. Ill post results tomorrow night.
Well i hit Twin today, its about 15-18 feet down from full, clear water but cold. No panfish or bass, but rainbows hitting off the edges out to about 100 feet and down about 18 deep. Going to take time to fill and with that in mind and upcoming weather, its going to be mid to late May before any pan fish make a splash. Took 4 rains, 3-14 and 1-16". Dont know how many i through back. Hit on both red and shartruse crappie jigs tipped with worm.
Good luck to any one going. Boat ramp is covered but hard to launch from unless ya dont mind getting feet a little wet.