04-25-2008, 09:43 PM
[pirate] Hey everyone. My name is Josh and I am a student at BYU. I am currently in the process of moving from Provo to SLC. In the process of moving, I discovered that my Sage Launch 3 wt. with an orvis battenkill reel is missing. It has taken me a week to realize that I somehow, in a moment of stupidity, left it in Diamond Fork Canyon about a week ago (last Friday). The rod is gold colored. I just got it a few months ago and feel like kicking myself. I left it at the parking lot at three waters, the place where a lot of people park to go to the hot springs. Unfortunately, I wont be able to check for it for a few days, probably more than a week because of a rigid schedule. If anyone is going out that way, or knows of someone who found it, I am hoping for a miracle. Thank you for your help.