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Full Version: Bear Lake conditions report
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Well Bear Lake is still ice covered as of Friday 4/26. The ice on the lake is still pretty thick, but the shoreline areas are rotten and ice fishing access is no longer possible. The state park marina is still frozen and boat ramps around the lake are still unaccessible. It looks like perhaps next week IF we get the higher temps and some big wind it just might clear off. But, with the way the weather has been going (very cold nights in the single digits and teens at best) it might be a while. Anyway, just wanted to save everyone some gas money before they decided to take a ride up north pulling their boats.
Scott, thanks for letting us know that Bear Lake is not an option for awhile.
At this point, when do you predict Bear Lake will be ice-free?
If we can maintain these warm temps, Along with getting some wind, This will really accelerate the ice off. We have a storm front comingthe middle of next week, If it brings with it some wind, This should be the ticket. The wind is our friend for the ice to get off there. I would predict at least another week and a half to two weeks.

The edges are opened up in many places: marina channel is open, North side of the boat slips is open, boat launch open but no where to go, and the South end has tons of water showing.

Very very windy last night and warm all day today.

I messed around at the marina and seen some suckers and a carp or two swim by. I also took my dogs metal detecting on the beach down from the sweetwater trailer park, no snow and tons of fun for them to run.

My guess? less than two weeks.