A buddy and I are planning a trip but till now (8:52 pm) dont know where to go. We have been skunked the last few times out, soooo.........where does everyone think we should go??? Any word on some of the reservoirs? I will be taking my boat. Thinking about Mantua for some LMB and maybe catch a Bluegill to get the skunk smell off of me. Anyone know if Newton has picked up lately? How about Hyrum?
Go to Farmington. Me and my son caught over 50 slimers up there today.[sly]
Do they have the docks in the Pond yet???[:p] Should only take me about 7 seconds to get from one end to the other even with my little 50 HP!!
used to do real well at rockport this time of year longline rapallas on the south end.
I will be up at the Nell, stop by and say hi...
So where'd you go TS? Did you get skunked again? Keep it up and I'll have to show you how to fish again. So are the gas prices hurting at all? I was thinking you and I could switch back and forth this summer to save a little dough on gas.
Yep, again, nothing to report. Tommy and I got the good ole skunk at Mantua, Hyrum and The Roy Pond of all places. Not even a bite!!! At least we caught a BUZZ at the Roy pond. 30 pack later and I am still typing away!!! Yeee Hawwww!!!! Screw fishing I am playing Tennis tomorrow!!!![:p]
Geez dude maybe you should donate your fishing tackle and that tub to tubedude and his fishing school. Actually maybe you should attend a class or two.







