If anyone is interested in the most up-to-date info on Sasquatch, I would recommend reading Jeff Meldrum's book:
Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science*
*Quick link to book:
[url "http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Sasquatch/Jeff-Meldrum/e/9780765312174/?itm=1"]http://search.barnesandnoble.com/...9780765312174/?itm=1[/url]
Barnes and Noble has a paperback copy for around $15. As was stated in the article, all the evidence is summed up and explained very well.
And if someone doesn't know, there is a DVD that goes along with the book, you can purchase it for around $35 from links provided at the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) website:
[url "http://www.bfro.net/"]
Quick Link to DVD:
[url "http://www.bfro.net/LMS/LMS.asp"]http://www.bfro.net/LMS/LMS.asp[/url]
In addition to the above, there is a DVD of collected and compiled sound recordings, here is the link:
[url "http://www.bigfootsounds.com/"]http://www.bigfootsounds.com/[/url]
The BFRO had an expedition in August-September of last year on the North Slope of the Uintas. The report from members and attendees has not been made public, but I am excited to read it. There have been a couple of eyewitness accounts from Mountain View and Lonetree, Wyoming.
The Utah encounters in the 80s and 90s were acually quite serious. The State even sent out wildlife officers. And the Forest Service sent out rangers to look for evidence at the alleged creature. Although in public statemens, they said they were looking for grizzlies-supposedly they posed a danger to sheep and farm animals-and unusual wildlife behavior reported by the witnesses.
Well, I won't tell you any more, so as not to ruin the fun and surprise of reading the accounts yourselves.
The BFRO and its partners and links provide, in my opinion, the most scientific and accurate information on Sasquatch. They are a real organization with members that are experts in their field. I would recommend going to their website and examining it completely, before any other source. You will be very impressed and intrigued. They also have an excellent link that explains how to make casts of footprints, along with other evidence preservation tips. You never know when you may come across a piece of evidence, and have to regret later that it will be useless because you were not prepared.
Also, I would highly recommend reading two recently added reports on the BFRO's website about Utah encounters. If anyone chooses to look through this information, have fun and keep it simple. There is alot out there, and it is easy to get sucked into the lunatic fringe-which ties Sasquatch to spirits that come in and out of existence at will, along with other nonsense.