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Full Version: slayin' em at Newton
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Went to Newton this afternoon and we didn't get skunked but might as well have. Got to the lake about 3:00 and met lordCrappie and his dad who were quick to report they had been there since noon and the skunk was on. Oh well I just wanted to get my boat out for the season anyways. Drove around for about 15 minutes and graphed alot of fish down deep. Right on the bottom to be exact. We dropped some jigs down and in about five minutes had a fish on. Fought it to the boat[Wink] and it was about a six inch crappie so white you could almost see through it (I guess they haven't come up yet). All in all we boated about a half dozen crappie and another half dozen perch. None were worth keeping or even taking a picture of. The wind was blowing from every direction, it changed about every ten minutes, the water temp was anywhere from 48-49.7 degrees, and the lake was full or at least dang near. Total we fished for about two hours. There were quite a few boat out as well as alot of bank tanglers not of which seemed to be catching anything. I guess we are rushing the season a little bit but with this winter who can blame us.
Jaybird, I do am not the crappie master. Thanks for coming in and saving the day. I bet you could've smelled the skunk at least a mile away. Like JB said the fish were hanging on the bottom around 45ft. They are still in the ice fishing mode or location. My dad and I fished shallow in coves to deep and did not get a hook up. Man it was rough. Lake is only 2 1/2 weeks out since ice off. Man that water is cold. I am ready for summer and looking forward to Lake Powell next weekend. I hope LP lives up to the hype.