Hit C. J. for an afternoon of fishing with my wife. We tried Cottonwood for perch, but when we got there, we discovered about 6-8 boats, and nobody was catching fish. So we switched over to crappie in the Narrows. Pretty much a fish a cast, but you have to go through a lot of small ones to get to the keepers. None of them are going to break any records. Caught a few nice bass. When we got back to the docks, we talked to a fellow who had hammered big perch by the dam. He said he had fished most of the day trying worms, cut bait, etc. with no luck. He then put on a shrimp, and they hammered it every time. Go figure. They were on the bottom in about 60'. Bass and trout are slow. Mike
Thanks kodiak,
Love hearing about the crappie fishin, I wonder how fast they'll grow. Maybe this year or next they'll better sized.
My wife and I sure had fun 2 weeks ago in cove arm catchen them crappie.
Yeah, the only thing I worry about is the incredible number of crappie in there. I counted once, and I caught a fish on twelve consecutive casts. Lets just hope that there aren't so many that they get stunted. But the perch are bigger than past years, perhaps due to crappie fry? So are the numbers the same up at Cove Arm? Mike
All I know is how many I saw on my screen. I have never seen that many hits before. Yes we started out from the boat dock on our toons and never needed to go any farther, my screen was showing groups all the time. Our largest was 9" and I was told that on the river side of the dyke they were most around 9".