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Full Version: $2,000.00 BFT Profile Promotion!
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Hello All,
Thank you for your continued patience while we work out the remaining bugs on the new site!

Since you have all been so busy helping us with trouble shooting and finding bugs we decided to have a bit of fun with it and pay a few members for the help.

[center] (From 4-28-08 to 5-16-08)

[left]Here's how it will work: All users who wish to participate will need to reply to this post at least once. BFT will select Winners (8 Winners) Based on the criteria listed below.

(1 winner) Grand Prize Best Profile $500.00 Gift Card: User will be selected on the completeness of their profile, and quality of the information, photos, etc...

(3) Runner Up Best Profile $100.00 Gift Card each: User will be selected on the completeness of their profile, and quality of the information, photos, etc...

(1) Best Moderator Profile $500.00 Gift Card: Moderator will be selected on the completeness of their profile, and quality of the information, photos, etc... Only moderators eligible for this one.

NOTE: On bug items below please edit your first post (instead of adding new posts for each item) and add items as you find them to be considered. This way we can see all your bug discoveries on 1 post.

(1) Biggest BUG Catch $500.00 Gift Card: User will be selected by BFT Staff for catching the biggest bug (not working item or site problem) on the site. This is not limited to just the forum. If more then one user report the same winning bug the first user who posted it wins. Note: if you find one we didn't know about yet, you probably will have a good shot at this.

(2) Most BUG Catches throughout the site $100.00 Gift Card Each: User will be selected by BFT Staff for catching the most amount of bugs in different sections of the site(not working item or site problem). Different sections is defined as any link off the top navigation bar.
Im in for the profile challenge.. [cool]... I need a bunch of new t-shirts and such.. I wore the one out already..

I am in for both contests, they are worth a shot.[Smile]

Here are the bugs I have noticed:

If you go to view different forums or discussions, and you are not logged in, there is a problem in replying once you are logged in. This means that when you click on a thread, and login so that you can reply, you have to go back and click the thread again before you are allowed to reply. The firt time around, the word editor shows up, but does not allow you to type in anything-it is inactive.

Second, the "My Latest Pictures" and "My Videos" sections on the Profile page have no links. You cannot click on them either. So basically, there is no way to add anything to those sections. That means that we can't spice up our Profile page for the contest.

Some bugs so far...

(new bugs added 5/13/2008)

5/14/2008 New bug added.. see below..

I was able to get twice a "win32 exception" error. First time it funk'd out all my desktop and was flashing red in the background.. Nice bug, but I am working on the steps to duplicate. Only way out is to close down IE. Hopefully more to follow on this one. It could have been one of the video feeds that is in the advertisement layers on the side. as the same page would randomly (seemingly) freeze up resulting in an un-responsive IE. Haven't tried to dup in mozilla yet.

[/b][/b][/b]Update on above bug[/b]:
1.) I am able to duplicate it 100% now on my one computer, however, I can't duplicate on the second computer. Here is how to dup. Big Fish Fun> Kids corner. Once the applet loads for the lost kids, I wait 5 minutes exactly and the whole thing wigs out, my desktop, other windows all start flashing red. Then, when I click on a link on the browser, I get the win32 error and the browser crashes. I am running dual screen on this box both screens start flashing red. This same applet in Mozilla comes up as the top layer, so when you hover over the "Fishing Forums" link, the bottom of the links are hidden by the applet. In IE, it the applet flashes once the above link is hovered over. In short, that missing kids applet is causing some problems.. ([#ff0000][/#ff0000]edit.. Looks like it's been fixed! Applet is gonzo!)

Bugs are not listed in order of severity, just randomly as I found them. Haven't gone through much of the site. Most are not a high severity there is 1 404 page not found it's #3 below

2. [/b][/b][/b]advertise.htm[/b] page.. There are a couple words that are in the title headings of 2 sections that are black, they should be white. Looking at the source, it looks like they were meant to be hyperlinks, but they are only tagged with with no href. So, if they are supposed to be a link they are broken, otherwise the color needs to be changed to white to match the rest of the title lines. First one is "[/b][/b][/b]Retailer [/b]Showcase Ads" Second is the word "Rates" in "Specialty Targeted Fishing Ad Campaigns & [/b][/b][/b]Rates [/b]extremely targeted:"

3. When you bring up the individual "State" pages, the information for the "Fishing Reg and Licences" section appears to be the same static data for each state. always says the same thing. I know the rates might be right somewhere, but they are wrong for Utah and several other states I am sure.

4. [/b][/b][/b]bigfishfun.htm[/b] The "Click Here" link inside the "Free websites" box goes to "Page not found" 404

5. [/b][/b][/b]bigfishfun.htm [/b]The link for team bigfish goes to articles.

6. [/b][/b][/b]bigfishfun.htm [/b]the "Click Here" link inside the "Win Free Tackle" is in white, so it's not visible. Change color and hyperlink will be visible.

7. [/b][/b][/b][/b] has out-dated copyright information. it doesn't match the info on

8. [/b][/b][/b] [/b]when this page loads in IE, 1/4 the title of the individual sections are covered by the layer to the left. In Mozilla, it works fine.

9. In IE, all the hover/popup links for navigating the site "Flash" inbetween links, layer goes away and then is visible again. Should stay visible the whole time even when you mouse off a link.. Again, in Mozilla, it works fine.

10.) [/b][/b][/b]Fishing forums bug [/b]Once you are in the forums (anywhere) the dropdown layers for the main 7 links at the top of the page no longer show up (IE Only, works in Mozilla.) For example, if you were to hover over the "fishing forums" link, you no longer see the listing of States for the forums. Seems to work fine from all other parent links, just not the forums..

11.)[/b][/b][/b]bigfishfun.htm [/b]Link for "Wall of Fame" goes to old style, old format BFT. Has the normal links, but they aren't the Blue hover ones.. has the old backgrounds etc.. Once you are on this page, all the photo links all stay on the old style site. Seems like the other links all go back to the correct style

12.) I noticed that logging in can sometimes be finicky. I just tried to log in for the first time on a seperate computer using IE. I logged in fine, but the top boxes would still come up as wanting a log-in and password. Which also translated into not letting me post/reply on the forum. I finally got it so that I can log in on the middle section of the site.. and this one stuck. Will try and dup a little tomorrow @ work.

13.)Spell Checker. In firefox, when you click on check spelling, the buttons for "Post changes" and "Preview Changes" Stay active, they don't disable like in IE.

14.)Shopping>Apparel: Link is dead for "Bargain Outfitters"

15.)Shopping>Camping: Links are dead for both the "Bargain Outfitters" AND "Sportsmans Guide"

16.)Shopping>Fishing-Fresh "Sportsmans Guide" link is dead

17.) Shopping>Fishing-General "Sportsmans Guide" Link is dead. Looks like wherever there is a link for sportmans guide and bargain outfitters.. it's going to be dead. I will not report any more.

18.) Shopping>Footwear: Link to "Cloud Walkers" is dead. Also has link for bargain outfitters that's dead

19.)Throughout the shopping site links.. some of them link to a new window, others, will link to the current window. Should probably all be the same.. whichever way you decide to go.

20.)SHopping>Rod Building: Link for comes up with a generic page from

21.) You notice all the incorrect tags in the post above. I got it do to that while using the spell checker and switching back to edit mode. Somewhere along the line there.. it messed up the tags. I will see if I can get an exact steps to duplicate.
more to come...

22.) OK, this is a continuation of #21 above. The spell checker (if you have an incorrectly spelled word in the post) once it kicks in (spell checker) it removes all the styles from the post you are trying to spell check. With the bolds.. It will incorrectly tag the Bold text when you return to editing the post. If you have text that is colored something other than the default.. IE Red.. when you return to edit mode. The red text is gone and is replaced by the default black. Try it out.. you will see.. the styles don't stick once you go into the spell checker. and in some cases (as seen above) it can make a real mess. Bold, underline, italics, quote text color.. it messes them all up.

I am not noticing an explaination anywhere besides the UT board about what the fish species beside each username represent. Am i blind or is it missing?
I'm in !
The responce time to laod a reply is pretty long , sometimes it won't accept one at all .

When editing a post everything vanashes sometimes .

Several log in attempts need to be made to view or post .

The State poll sections don't work and on my board , there is a duplicate posting spot , one above the other . "Oops! You are not authorized to view that page. " comes up .

Some of the RSS links don't work .

[url ""][/url] Half the pics don't load at all .

Drop down menue "fishing forums" , Ohio is in the wrong spot .

this is from the [url ""][/url].

[#ffffff]Specialty Targeted Fishing Ad Campaigns & [/#ffffff][#212126]Rates[/#212126][/url] [#ffffff]extremely targeted:[/#ffffff]
[#ffffff]Specialty Targeted Fishing Ad Campaigns & [/#ffffff][#ffffff]Rates[/#ffffff][/url] [#ffffff]extremely targeted:[/#ffffff]

copy and pasted , rates isn't visible on the page , neither is "retailer" not all of the suscribe buttons match , some grey , some gold . This is on a few different pages also , another example ; [url ""][/url]

A few times this shows up on the pages ;
$2,000.00 BFT Profile Promotion!
[url ""][Image:][/url] [url ""][Image:] [/url][url ""][Image:] [/url][url ""][Image:] [/url]
[url "!_P411594/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=377458;t=search_engine"]Next Thread[/url][url "!_P411594/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_printable;post=411594;t=search_engine"]Print Thread[/url][url "!_P411594/#"]Watch Thread[/url][url "!_P411594/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_threaded;post=411594;t=search_engine"]View Threaded[/url]

Well , when I did a copy and paste it origanly said "proxey error" proxey, proxey proxey .

O.K. on the icons the fire is below the selection circle and not next to it .


[ul][li]none [/li][li][Image: big_grin.gif] [/li][li][Image: news.gif] [/li][li][Image: idea.gif] [/li][li][Image: chit_chat.gif] [/li][li][Image: announcement.gif] [/li][li][Image: bug.gif] [/li][li][Image: important.gif] [/li][li][Image: arg.gif] [/li][li][Image: fire.gif] [/li][/ul][font "Verdana"][size 1]Mike Romero
Marketing Director
[/size][/font][url ""][font "Verdana"][size 1]Booyaa Clothing Company[/size][/font][/url]

This takes you to

[size 1][font "Verdana"][#1654af][/#1654af][/font][/size]
[size 1][font "Verdana"][#1654af]Microsoft BCentral[/#1654af] Recognizes BigFishTackle.Com for excellence in Marketing
[/font][url ""][font "Verdana"][#212126]Click Here to view case study[/#212126][/font][/url][/size]

[url ""][/url] dead link to artical

[size 1]Some of the" specifications" links opens up in half width and the add is only half visable [/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]Platinum A[/size][size 1]d Package
[font "Verdana"][url "http://javascript:void(0)"][#212126]Specifications[/#212126][/url] [/font][/size]
[size 1]Unlimited ad impressions (views) monthly.[/size]
[size 1]Includes design of 1 free advertisement.
Only $239.99[/size] [font "Verdana"][size 1]Monthly[/size][/font]

No mater how many times I try to post a profile pic , some scrawney ugly guys pic shows up , LOL !
Put me down for the profile promo.

The bug that i have found really "bugs" me bad. On your profile picture it erases a small amount on the bottom of the pic. I don't know why it bugs me soo bad. Maybe because it makes it look like you messed up on the picture or something.
Anywho, that my little Bugger.
[font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4]Problems, Bugs or Opportunities:[/size][/#008000][/font] [font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4]There are times when [/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4][/size][/#008000][/font]

[ol][li][font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4]I see a new post but when I open the thread nothing is high lighted. However, if I click the green arrow next to the posters name it will take me directly to the new post.[/size][/#008000][/font] [/li][li][font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4]There is no longer an ALERT button at the bottom of a given post to report spammers, foul language or other problems. While Mods can post a problem on the Mood board the rest of the membership has no recourse.[/size][/#008000][/font][/li][font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4][li]When ever you cursor inadvertently passes over the upper blue tool bar that contains Home, Features, Shopping, Resources etc the drop down list covers half the page and one has to back track then sneak around subject line to prevent a recurrence of this nuisance. It should be set up like other drop down lists that requires just a click of the mouse.[/li][li]We no longer have the ability to upload a video to a given post. On the fly board how to tie flies, etc videos are most helpful.[/li][/ol][/size][/#008000][/font]

I've just joined 05/06/08 and the map doesn't open for me to stick a pin on it is that a bug only to me or does it have something to do with browser preference ( I did not include that in my profile as I use mozilla firefox that was not on the list )
on looking over the post after refreshing my post is correct but no picture/avatar
I went to update my profile and on the time zone, it does not give me the option to choose eastern .
When I upload photos it says I am unregistered, even though I am logged in.

What he said , I'm unregestered .
I log in on that page and I'm still unregestered .

No option (mouseover arrow) to upload a profile pic.

hit video , log on , have to go back to my profile to load the vid .

Wall of fame pic goes to the page , waiting to see if that works .had to re-log on to use

Latest ad , deleated an old ad and it still remains after a week.

latest pic , log on that and it takes me back to profile page , click on it again and i'm unregestered again .
unable to load a pic .

My e-mail , public and private have to be changed on all pages , even after changing them on that page and on main profile .
Fishing forums link , shouldn't there be one entitled all ?

When you go to photo gallery and then member galleries and click on users name, the page that shows up says Script not called correctly.
When uploading to the photo gallery the text area for the description of the photo and the drop down menu for the photo category run off the page under the ads on the right side. I attached a screen shot. This was using Firefox browser.
Cool contest and great new look!
Thanks for the opportunity to participate.

Terry Webster
I know the contest is over.. BUT, here is one that I didn't get around to entering. I don't know if it's a feature, or a bug.

I never can get the weather to localize on the smaller one that is there. Mine just keeps staying for Colorado Springs. Even when I go into the weather section and say "Save as Default" when the default one comes up on the side.. it's still for Colorado Springs.
It's already over? Who Won?