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[left][#005000][size 4]SAN BERNARDINO MOUNTAIN WATERS[/size] [/#005000]
[left][#005000] [/#005000]
[left][#005000]SILVERWOOD: The stripers are moving up and the action is good on swimbaits and mackerel. There are small surface boils in the early mornings and late evenings. George Simpson, Apple Valley, caught a 6-8 striper on anchovies and nightcrawlers by the dam. Eddy Ayala, Fontana, landed a four-pound striper on anchovies in Cleghorn. Trout bite good by the dam on meal worms and nightcrawlers. Trollers are having luck with Needlefish and Super Dupers. Karen Paulson, Chino, caught a three-pound trout. DFG trout plant this week. Largemouth bass action is slow to fair with some fish being taken on plastics and nightcrawlers. Information: marina 760-389-2299, state park 760-389-2281, Silverwood Country store 760-389-2423.
