05-02-2008, 08:18 PM
MassWildlife and MassAudubon would like to remind anyone with an interest in birds that there is still time to sign up for a statewide bird conference to be held on Saturday, March 15 at Bentley College in Waltham! This is MassAudubon's 16th year organizing this meeting and this year, for the first time MassWildlife is co-sponsoring the conference. The conference, "Massachusetts Birds: Our Common Wealth and Natural Heritage" is packed with workshops and lectures on research findings, waterfowl identification, youth bird clubs, conservation stamps, bird calls, habitat management techniques for birds in decline and many other topics of interest. Presentations will be offered by a variety of professionals from state agencies and conservation organizations.
Whether you feed birds at home, seek birds with binoculars, spotting scopes or hunting gear, this is the conference for you! Visit displays and exhibits offered by bird oriented groups and businesses and lunch with bird enthusiasts from all walks of life! Proceeds from the Birders Meeting will support MassAudubon's Important Bird Area (IBA) program and MassWildlife's Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP).
A link to conference program registration materials and program information can be found on the front page of MassWildlife's website at www.mass.gov/masswildlife or by calling Linda Cocca at MassAudubon at (781) 259-2151 or e-mail birdersmeeting@massaudubon.org.
Whether you feed birds at home, seek birds with binoculars, spotting scopes or hunting gear, this is the conference for you! Visit displays and exhibits offered by bird oriented groups and businesses and lunch with bird enthusiasts from all walks of life! Proceeds from the Birders Meeting will support MassAudubon's Important Bird Area (IBA) program and MassWildlife's Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP).
A link to conference program registration materials and program information can be found on the front page of MassWildlife's website at www.mass.gov/masswildlife or by calling Linda Cocca at MassAudubon at (781) 259-2151 or e-mail birdersmeeting@massaudubon.org.