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Ross Barnett Reservoir

Spillway - Last Updated: 2/7/2008

The increase in the release of water through the dam hasn't helped the fishing. James Hardy of Jackson was among the few found fishing on Wednesday and his report was Sad. "Three hours, two fish, no keepers," Hardy said. "I gave up on crappie real quick and started on the catfish and I have caught just two little ones. We need more water to bring more crappie."

Main Lake - Last Updated: 2/7/2008


No reports at all Monday through Wednesday as wind made it impossible to fish. It was treacherous throughout the upper lake area Monday and Tuesday with the south winds blowing up the lake, and a cross wind Wednesday granted little relief. Making matters worse is that the report from the weekend was not a good one. Some crappie had been caught deep in the river channel and old lake beds but not in great numbers. Bass fishermen didn't find a consistent pattern on the upper lake either. It could improve with the warming trend in forecast.


Oddly enough, this was the only area of the lake that granted much safe refuge on Wednesday, albeit only the northwest corner along the Madison County bank. That was the lee side of the lake and also where the water was clearest. That's the good news. The bad news is that the waters weren't very productive. Bass had not moved up tight on the rocks, which warmed throughout the day. Crappie fishing was also poor. No catfish reports available.

Upper Lake and River - Last Updated: 2/7/2008


Oddly enough, the surface temperatures have risen almost 8 degrees since the weekend, which is good news for bass fishermen and not so good for crappie anglers. Heavy wind and inclement weather have limited access since the weekend, but at that time the fishing was above average with bass fairly active and crappie biting good deep. The increase in water temperature will push bass up shallow on a feeding binge through the weekend. Crappie will slow down as they disperse through the water column.

Pelahatchie Bay - Last Updated: 2/7/2008

Ever tried to look through a glass of Borden's Dutch Chocolate Milk? That's exactly what the water looks like in most areas of the Bay. The heavy rains and strong winds muddied the water throughout the area, which won't help what was already poor fishing for crappie and bass. The good news is that the catfish bite is above average. Several fishermen were catching cats on trotlines on shallow flats on both sides of the Bay and the key depth seemed to be 5-6 ft. Crappie fishing fair at the bridge.

District 1

Aberdeen Lake - Last Updated: 2/4/2008

ABERDEEN LAKE (TENN-TOM): Reports are few and far between right now with the weather not being very cooperative. I did get a couple of good bass reports during the last warming trend we had. Spinnerbaits and t-rigged plastics picked up several nice bass in the backs of some of the isolated sloughs. No other reports to speak of right now. The crappie should get hot about the 2nd or 3rd week of March.

Columbus Lake - Last Updated: 2/4/2008

COLUMBUS LAKE (TENN-TOM): Same story for Aberdeen; weather not cooperating and no reports coming in this week. Rain the past couple of weeks have really muddied the channel. The crappie bite was fair a couple of weeks ago; most folks catching crappie were fishing be