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ALEXANDRIA, VA (January 3, 2008) - The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF) today announced that the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission will participate in a direct mail marketing effort to increase fishing license sales. Twenty states have currently signed on to participate in the direct mail marketing initiative, a program designed by RBFF to increase participation in the sport and generate awareness of the connection between fishing license sales and conservation efforts. Only 10 open spots remain for states to participate.

"We are gearing up for the training workshop in two weeks," said RBFF President and CEO Frank Peterson. "We are thrilled at the overwhelming response of states to work with us to recruit lapsed anglers. Pennsylvania has committed to the direct mail program and we look forward to signing on 10 more states."<br />
"Getting anglers on the water year after year is one of the top goals of our agency and working with RBFF will help make this happen," said Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Executive Director Dr. Doug Austen. "We know that many people who have fished in the past may not buy a license simply because there are so many other activities competing for their time. By using the customer data from our new Pennsylvania Automated Licensing System (PALS), we can send friendly reminders to many lapsed anglers encouraging them to pick up a license and head to their favorite stream, river or lake for a day of fishing."<br />
The product includes direct mail templates, instructions to implement a direct mail campaign and marketing assistance from RBFF. A workshop for states that will implement the program will be held January 16-17, 2008 in Dallas, Texas.<br />
About RBFF RBFF is a nonprofit organization established in 1998 to increase participation in recreational angling and boating. RBFF helps people discover, share and protect the legacy of boating and fishing through national outreach programs including the Take Me Fishing campaign and Anglers' Legacy.