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TS and i headed up to pinewiew this morning. i needed to get this funk skunk smell off of me. after starting at cemetery point he motored drectly across to a few small islands. we could see about 200 carp and i got into one for about 5 seconds [:p] after we trolled around for a bit we went into a back cove and i hooked a 2.5lb smallie. on a jointed rapala. TS has the pic and will post soon. we both had some decent bites. i think the skunk has come back to haunt TS, but the powell trip this comming week will change all of that. when we were pulling out around 1230 because of the wind, we think we past lunkerhunter2 putting in. we just both got sick of being blown around the lake.
Yeah, kochanut is back I suppose and I have the funky smell on me, but oh well I just wanted to get out on this nice day, so I cant complain, too much anyhow!!! I did lose what I think may have been a Crappie, but oh well!!! Kochanut is just getting a taste of the good ole Utah afternoon W---!!![mad] Powell is calling my name Sunday sooooo I cant wait.
wheres my pic ham-burgler!!?
Nice fish, and man what a great day to be fishing, congrats to both of you for being out there, fish or not.
I guess that was you guys coming in as we were pulling out. We ended up with 10 or 11 nice smallies, missed half dozen tiger bites and caught 6 slab crappies. The wind sucked but if you know where to go it isn't a big deal.[Wink]