Are all 2 stroke oils for outboards the same or is one brand better than another. When i comes to things like this usually try to stick with one brand .. ie I always use Valvoline in my cars and so on.
[#000000]There are many quality brands of motor oil for 2 strokes - just as there are for autos.[/#000000]
[#000000]One thing that I do is to make sure that I use the same brand and type of oil for the tank I have filled. In other words, I don't mix two kinds of oil in the same tank. I also like to stick with the same gas in the same tank. Meaning, if there is some left over gas/oil mix in the tank, I try to refill the tank with the same stuff from the same manufacturers.[/#000000]
[#000000]Gas and oils from different manufactures may have basically the same specs, but they could easily have different properties or different ratios of component compounds. I don't know if it really makes much difference, but regardless, I try to maintain consistancy as I think it could have an effect on performance. [/#000000]
[#000000]However, I could be wrong. [/#000000]
[#000000]Maybe an chemist, engineer, or mechanic could weigh in and give us the real low down.[/#000000]
I use yamalube and it has worked great for my boat no smoke and it is a great oil . When i had my other boat it would run better with one type of oil other oils i tried smoked and the engine didnt seem to have the power it should.Find the right oil and dont use the cheap stuff it will hurt your engine.
+1 for Yamalube.
Thanks for telling me about yamalube Kent. My job sells it so its convenient for me to buy it . We sell hundreds of bottles a day so the quality of this oil speaks for itself.[

Fish hound I am kinda pickey that way with my motorcycle, it gets Chevron ever time unless that is absolutly not an option.
Thanks for the heads up . I have used Yamalube produts before when I was a kid on my dirt bike so I will start there.
What do you do for the end of the year to use up the fas in your tanks? Do you just try like hell to run them dry or fill them and treat them for the winter.
I fill the tanks and treat them with stabilizer over the winter.
[#0000ff]He's right...fill your tanks at the end of the season and use Sta Bil........or just keep fishin all year! [
After running different oils for different motors (Polaris oil for Polaris, Quicksilver for Mercury, Yamalube for Hamaya's, etc.) I've come to the conclusion that they are all the same. I've been running Wal-mart brand two stroke oil in everything for about 4 years and absolutely no problems with anything! Do what you want to, but as long as the oil has the ratings for SG, MG, etc. its all the same. Gas is more important, I run premium in everything (maybe an overkill, but what's about $1.00 extra per tank when gas is $3.50+/gallon, right? Run straight gas, no ethanol or methanol mix, and you will be fine.
I am with you Scott. The Gallon bottle of Pennzoil mult-purpose is all i have used for 3 years and had no problems with it.[

Just in case someone is reading this and asks about 4 stroke oil, I will say this:
I use Ford Motorcraft Synthetic Blend Motor Oil. Best dang oil I have found and used so far. Stays the cleanes longest. My motor takes 10W-30. Ford Motor Company spent over 10 years developing it, and it may well be the best oil for its vescosity.
If you have one of the new Direct Injection 2-strokes like the Mercury Opti-Max, make sure you use the special direct injection oil. Direct injection does not add oil to the gasoline but injects the oil at the friction points, thus the lubrication dynamics are completely different. Mr. J.
it is a mid 80's Johnson. So far i have used the Wal-mart brand oil and premium gas.