05-06-2008, 11:10 AM
With three weeks of trout stocking still to go this spring, there's still plenty of great opportunities to fish in any of the state's 180 designated trout stocked waters. Nearly 475,000 trout have been stocked thus far, and over the next three weeks another 96,000 trout will be released into 60 of these waters.
Little rain has fallen since the trout season opener on April 5, and fishing conditions have been nearly ideal. As temperatures begin to warm and the opening day excitement begins to fade, savvy anglers know that May is one of the best months to fish for trout. Streams are generally less crowded with anglers, and by walking or wading just a short distance upstream or downstream from a stocking point you can often find trout that have been overlooked by others. May is also a hot month for catching big trout in Holdover and Trophy Trout Lakes.
Trout stocking continues through May 23. There is still plenty of time to grab your fishing gear and head to nearby trout-stocked water to enjoy a few hours outdoors fishing for trout. For information on where to go, stocking schedules, "Bonus Broodstock" waters and more, visit http://www.njfishandwildlife.com/trtinfo_spr08.htm on the NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife Website.
Little rain has fallen since the trout season opener on April 5, and fishing conditions have been nearly ideal. As temperatures begin to warm and the opening day excitement begins to fade, savvy anglers know that May is one of the best months to fish for trout. Streams are generally less crowded with anglers, and by walking or wading just a short distance upstream or downstream from a stocking point you can often find trout that have been overlooked by others. May is also a hot month for catching big trout in Holdover and Trophy Trout Lakes.
Trout stocking continues through May 23. There is still plenty of time to grab your fishing gear and head to nearby trout-stocked water to enjoy a few hours outdoors fishing for trout. For information on where to go, stocking schedules, "Bonus Broodstock" waters and more, visit http://www.njfishandwildlife.com/trtinfo_spr08.htm on the NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife Website.