As gas prices go up, what do you guys plan to do to maintain your way of life? I think most of us have continued to pay the price, but its starting to hurt. I believe I will plan fewer trips this summer as a result (maybe longer trips though). I'm also going to try to involve more people so we can split the costs of gas.
In way of gas prices I want to also let you guys know (anyone that frequents the town of Manila by Flaming Gorge) that one our very own BFT members has opened a filling station there. Piscispursuit has long been a contributing member here. His station has been consistently cheaper than the nearby competitors. I've been filling the truck up at home and then holding off to fill the boat in Manila... used to do the opposite and fill it all at home. Anyways, if you happen by Manila... support one of our own and fill up at the Gas Star.
In the meantime... what do you guys plan to do? Continue to bite the bullet? Plan longer trips? Carpool? Or just give it all up? I'm curious what kind of solutions you guys have come up with to make it all work.
Thanks, bkidder
MUST... FISH .... GORGE!!!!! I will have to stop other costly things like dates with my wife, clothes for my kids, food, etc. Gotta stick them PIGS!

] i will 2nd that!!!!!
I gave up work cause it got in the way of fishing so what else I will go fishing....
im thinking about a second boat to leave up there. then drive a small 4 cyl up. after a few yrs it will pay for its self with the savings.[

] now its just how do i tell the wife. lol
I am starting to think carpool is the way to go. Time to make new friends[

I will go just as often as I always have. Thats one nice thing about the gorge being out my back door. I might try to fish more with friends,or continue just go by myself,either way I will be fishing.
Well as some of ya know I'm an old fart on a fixed income, sooooooooo-----------. The gorge is my all time favorite to get away from people down some back roads with my tent trailer and Sparky. So what am I going to do? well, I'm still going to the Gorge.[mad] To compensate I'll probably give up Pelican and the Snake S. or Boise and maybe Ut. L. for kitties. Also, I have found some Id. fisheries in the S.E. part that actually closer than a lot of local Ut. spots and are great fishun. I bought a Id. fishing license since I think I'll be money ahead in the long run, All these spots are less tha 100 mi. from here. Problem is they are mostly LM and my favorite is smallies. I'd go to Jordanelle in a heart beat but dogs on a leach, no way fishun from a tube. Sparky is my fishun buddy and when he can't go I don't. [:/] I wish I could find a secret spot, like out in the desert and away from all you guys.[

] LOL.
To me, time is the bigger problem. I will still go to Pelican once a year, and anywhere 2 hours at 80 mph can get me to as often as possible. Humpy
I will make sure Im there for at least 3 days! If im spending the $$ to drive there i am taking the trailer and the boat and camp just north of Anvil on the edge of the water !! I will for sure fill up the tank there if the price is better then here so if you could keep us posted on the current price that would help us all out !! M.H.
I just quit my job to go back to school so needless to say with gas prices as they are my fishing will be limited to almost nothing. Now I have a little more time to fish, but just can't afford it,
In January I bought a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)fueled car. I pay 0.638 a gal for fuel. So far I have saved somewhere in the neighborhood of $700.00 in fuel. I figure this will help when I want to spend the saved fuel money on the Gorge or wherever I want to take the boat. It costs me $2.50 in fuel to go 100mi. so I am saving as I commute. Now if I could only gat a truck that runs on CNG.
Well, unfortunately, being that I'm in the business of selling fishing lures, I'm obligated to a point to be there at least every weekend. Lots of gas to drive there and even more to fill the boat. The best thing I can do is offer up space on the boat fishing for koks to the fishing family on BFT. Just bring greenbacks, I have everything else unless you want to bring your favorite lure with you.
I am converting one of my vehicles to natural gas. I am sick of the gas prices.
[font "Times New Roman"]Up until this year, I’ve never asked for gas money for either the truck or the boat. But that will change this year. I’ll be splitting the cost evenly with whoever goes with me. At $30 to $100 plus a trip on a retired income, it doesn’t leave much choice. I’m hoping to make more trips this year than last. [/font]
I am doing 4 things this year. The stimulus money from the goverment will be burned through my gas tank this year. On shorter weekends I will stay closer to home. On longer weekends I will drive further away. Weekends were I stay home I will post up open invite trips with shared expenses. I drove my ram last weekend to flaming gorge and back towing a boat with four guys and it was only 40 per person, I can swing that!
I drive a CNG Truck, so prices don't effect me.
Be careful converting one. Unless you can get it for CHEAP.. it will take years to recover the cost, even with the current prices. By then, CNG would have gone up too, and you will also have repair bills. There is kind of a panic in UT right now for CNG.. people are shooting themselves in the foot and paying prices that they'll never be able to compensate with the price at the pump.
Especially, when you take into account the repair costs
for CNG.. Things will go wrong.
I got lucky, got in the game before all the panic...
But now, all the pumps are full, the pressure is low, and you can't get good fills.. then, people complain because they paid so much more for their vehicle, and can't get a good fill.
It will take me about 6 months to pay for the convertion. I am getting it done for a great price. My friend has been running his for about a year with great results and no problem.
CNG burns cleaner than gas (as I am sure you know) so I am looking forward to doing it. My friend has tried almost
every CNG station on the Wasatch Front. Although he has had a "few" problems, the money he has saved far out weighs the minor inconveniences.
CNG will go up; agreed. However, gas will increase as well. My opinion is that the CNG fuel cost increases will be less dramatic than gas. Mainly, because Natural Gas is used to heat homes (just my opinion).
Ask me in a few months if I am happy. I have researched this for several months and am comfortable with my decision. I try to never "rush" into anything (ask my wife,
it drives her crazy).
Sounds like you have done your research.. There are too many people in a panic right now and they are paying CRAZY prices for vehicles and conversions.. they will never recoup the prices..
"Sounds like you have done your research.. There are too many people in a panic right now and they are paying CRAZY prices for vehicles and conversions.. they will never recoup the prices.."
Yes, some conversions are pushing 12k. It would be almost impossible to get that back in fuel savings.