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Full Version: CatFishing on C.J. Strike
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Hey new to this website but i thought id see if anyone had some useful info on catching cats on C.J. Strike. We went last night in the cove arm but managed to hook and land only small yellow bullhead cats....we are looking for the larger channels. we were using worms and corn (white trash i know Big Grin) but im sure there is something better than that to try. any info would be appreciated
I don't know what folks use out here but back on the East Coast, we used "stink bait" for catfish. We used commercially prepared formulas rigged on bait holders specifically designed for that purpose (see pic). The bait is particularly deadly in ponds and reserviors.

Good luck!

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my great-uncle gets his hooks, and dips them in an oil he buys at a local pharmacy....and thats it, maybe thats more white trash than your setup, haha, but it works for him. This is in Texas though...

I have only fished for catfish a couple of times, but I have always heard they were particularly attracted to cheese, so I tried it once.

Took a couple of singlet cheeses, tore of a piece, rolled it into a small ball, and put it on my hook...doesn't hurt to give it a shot?

Also, can't go wrong with powerbait